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- Raoul Wallenberg – 80 Years in the Dark
On January 17, 1945, 8o years ago, Raoul Wallenberg was abducted by the Soviet Military Intelligence (MERSH), never to be seen again. During the nine-month period prior to his arrest, Raoul Wallenberg was responsible for orchestrating one of the most courageous and imaginative feats of rescue in the history of mankind. On March […]
- Once again, Raoul Wallenberg was left behind
Raoul Wallenberg at his desk in Budapest. Photo: Thomas Veres Raoul Wallenberg is probably the greatest and most tragic humanitarian figure of the 20th century. He was born on August 4th, 1912, 112 years ago and disappeared on January 17th, 1945, before turning 33. A great deal was written about this giant, including by myself, in this very […]
- Celebration of the Day of Conscience
A tribute to two heroic WWII diplomats Aristides de Sousa Mendes, from Portugal Luis Martins de Sousa Dantas, from Brazil A moving event took place at the Slovenian Church of St. Cyril, in New York, on April 7, 2024. The same was organized by Mr. Mr. Joao Crisóstomo, Vice-President of the IRWF and founder […]
- Invitation to celebrate the Day of Conscience
In memory of two heroic diplomats who saved numerous lives during the Holocaust: The Portuguese Aristides de Sousa Mendes and the Brazilian Luis Martins de Sousa Dantas RSVP by email or phone to Mr. Joao Crisostomo at crisostomo.joao2@gmail.com or tel 1 917 2571501
Raoul Wallenberg arrived in Budapest 80 years ago, on July 9, 1944. In less than six months he managed to set-up an impressive life-saving operation that benefitted thousands of Hungarian Jews. On January 17, 1945, sensing that the war was coming to an end, he decided to meet Marshall Rodyon Malinovsky, the military chief of […]
- The Wallenberg Foundation has revoked the Honorary Membership of the UN Secretary-General, Mr Antonio Guterres
The Board of the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation has resolved, with immediate effect, to revoke the Honorary Membership of Mr. Antonio Guterres, Secretary-General of the UN, following his recent statement about the terrorist attacks perpetrated by HAMAS against children, women, elderly and defenseless civilians (Jews and Arabs). Here is a copy of the letter […]
- Raoul Wallenberg’s 111th birthday
Raoul Wallenberg’s legacy lives on Raoul Wallenberg at the Swedish Legation in Budapest. Photo: Wikipedia Today, we mark the 111th birthday of Raoul Wallenberg, one of the most outstanding and tragic heroes of WWII. His extraordinary life-saving feats in wartime Hungary will always be remembered. Thanks to his efforts in a relatively […]
Aristides de Sousa Mendes was the Portuguese consul-general in the city of Bordeaux. In the horrific days of WWII, defying the orders of Antonio de Oliveira Salazar’s regime, he issued life-saving visas to a great number of refugees fleeing Nazi Germany. Based on an […]
- The 78 anniversary of Raoul Wallenberg’s disappearance.
Raoul Wallenberg – a missing soldier of peace JAN 16, 2023, 1:27 PM Raoul Wallenberg in 1944. (Guy von Dardel and Nina Lagergren) On January 17, 1945, after having saved tens of thousands of Hungarian Jews, Raoul Wallenberg was detained by the Soviet military counter-intelligence unit (SMERSH), never to be seen again. A full account […]
- Stories from my Mother
A Play by Peter Bulow Sponsored by the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation
- A new and singular House of Life was proclaimed in Bern, Switzerland
The site currently serves as the Residence of the Ambassador of the Republic of Poland in Switzerland and during WWII it was the center of a major rescue operation led by Ambassador Aleksander Lados. Bern – November 17, 2022 – A special event was held at the Residence of the Polish Ambassador in Bern. […]
- City of Milan honored for saving Jews during Holocaust
JNS Jewish News Syndicate Milan honored for helping save Jews from concentration camps during Holocaust The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation named the city an honorary member. A view of Milan, Italy. Credit: Jöshua Barnett/contemplicity.com via Flickr. (August 18, 2022 / JNS) The city of Milan, Italy, has been named an honorary member of the International Raoul Wallenberg […]
- The City of Milan becomes Honorary Member of the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation
The City of Milan becomes Honorary Member of the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation By Arianna de Felice – August 16, 2022 The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation (IRWF), an NGO that searches Holocaust rescuers and advocates for their recognition, has bestowed upon the city of Milan the title of Honorary Member. The City of […]
- The Prime Minister of Israel has a special connection with Raoul Wallenberg
THE BLOGS Baruch Tenembaum A special bond between Wallenberg and Lapid AUG 3, 2022, 11:37 AM Raoul Wallenberg passport photo. (US Holocaust Memorial Museum Raoul Wallenberg lives in my heart every single day of the year, but especially on 4th of August, the day of his birth. This year, we celebrate the 110th birthday of this […]
- Prime Minister Yair Lapid addresses the IRWF on occasion of the 110 birthday of Raoul Wallenberg
A letter from Prime Minister Lapid “Had it not been for Raoul Wallenberg and his courageous and selfless actions, many people would not even be here today – including myself” “As we mark this milestone, I want to take this opportunity to wish the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation continued success in your efforts […]
- Raoul Wallenberg’s 110th birthday
Thanks to Raoul Wallenberg, Lapid can lead Israel – opinion Raoul Wallenberg saved thousands of Jews in the Holocaust, including Tommy Lapid, Yair Lapid’s father. By BARUCH TENEMBAUM Published: JULY 26, 2022 21:27 Raoul Wallenberg was born on August 4, 1912, 110 years ago. To be sure, he was one of the most prominent heroes […]
- Ohio
We welcome the State of Ohio to our initiative of declaring October 5 as Raoul Wallenberg Day.
- Remembering Raoul Wallenberg on the year of his 110 Birthday
Raoul Wallenberg, the Swedish diplomat who saved tens of thousands of Hungarian Jews during the war and ended-up disappearing in the Soviet Union, was born on August 4th, 1912. The Embassy of Sweden in Israel held a commemorative event at the private residence of Ambassador Erik Ullenhag, who also acted as Master of Ceremonies. Ms. […]
- Letter addressed to the Apostolic Nunciature in Buenos Aires by the Armenian Bar Association
Request to safeguard the Armenian religious and cultural heritage
- Brazil’s Holocaust Hero
APR 13, 2022, 12:50 PM Latin American countries had few diplomats that reached-out to the victims of the Nazi regime but amongst this selected group, the Brazilian Luis Martins de Souza Dantas stands-out. Today, I am remembering this remarkable human being on the 68th anniversary of his passing, aged 78. Souza Dantas was born […]
- GARIWO celebrates the 10th anniversary of the proclamation of the European Day of the Righteous
- Raoul Wallenberg Awards in Hungary
The Raoul Wallenberg Awards were presented in Budapest Our sister organization, the Hungarian Raoul Wallenberg Association, bestowed the Raoul Wallenberg Awards in a moving ceremony that took place on January 25, 2022, at the Rumbach Synagogue in Budapest. The recipients of the prestigious awards are: Kissné, Balázs Barbara – social worker, activist of the March of […]
- Reflecting on Raoul Wallenberg on the 77 anniversary of his disappearance
THE BLOGS Baruch Tenembaum Raoul Wallenberg – 77 years without closure JAN 16, 2022, 10:42 AM Raoul Wallenberg, at the University of Michigan Photo: University of Michigan Heritage Project […]
- Unveiling the feats of an unknown Spanish rescuer
THE BLOGS Baruch Tenembaum The Secret Diaries of Special Agent 430 DEC 15, 2021, 1:47 PM Venancio Ramis Coromina Photo Courtesy – Lydia Ramis Last November, Lydia Ramis, a retired entrepreneuse from Spain, visited Israel and asked to meet with the local staff of the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation. She wanted to tell us […]
- Paul Zbinden – a Swiss Holocaust Hero
THE BLOGS Baruch Tenembaum Paul Zbinden – An Unsung Holocaust Rescuer NOV 18, 2021, 3:46 PM Paul Zbinden Photo: Wikipedia Last week, the local public television channel, KAN 11, broadcasted the remarkable story of the Swiss Pastor, Paul Zbinden, who saved a Jewish family and probably several other Jewish children during the Shoah. The […]
- A new Memorial Plaque has been affixed in the Headquarters of Raoul Wallenberg
A new memorial plaque was affixed in Ulloi Street 2-4, Budapest The site was Raoul Wallenberg’s headquarter from November 1944 till January 1945 This is an initiative of the Raoul Wallenberg Association a sister organization of the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation Speeches were delivered by Dr. Jozsef Sebes, President of the Raoul […]
- The City of Assisi has been declared House of Life
The ceremony took place on October 27, 2021, coinciding with the celebration of “The Spirit of Assisi”. The event was staged at Via Borgo San Pietro, location of the Saint Colette Monastery, one of the many other monasteries in Assisi that gave shelter to Jews during WWII. Marina Rosatti, Curator of the […]
- Remembering a Romanian rescuer
THE BLOGS Baruch Tenembaum Dr. Traian Popovici was the mayor of Cernăuţi , a town which was under Romanian control during WWII. Nowadays the city is part of Ukraine and known as Chernivtsi. From his post, he was responsible for saving around 20,000 Jews of Bukovina from deportation during the Holocaust. Every October 9th, Romania officially marks […]
- Remembering Raoul Wallenberg
Raoul Wallenberg – another birthday with unanswered questions – opinion Coinciding with the 109th anniversary of his birth (August 4, 1912), I would like to reflect on the awe-inspiring legacy of Raoul Wallenberg, one of the greatest heroes of the 20th century. By BARUCH TENEMBAUM AUGUST 2, 2021 20:43 Raoul Wallenberg(photo credit: Wikimedia lI was born […]
- Raoul Wallenberg’s 109th birthday
Remembering Raoul Wallenberg on his 109th Birthday AUG 4, 2021, 11:34 AM Please note that the posts on The Blogs are contributed by third parties. The opinions, facts and any media content in them are presented solely by the authors, and neither The Times of Israel nor its partners assume any responsibility for them. Please […]
- A Righteous French Family
A Righteous French Family JUL 18, 2021, 9:39 PM Today’s blog is dedicated to a singular French rescuer and his family. Andre Baccary was born 132 years ago, on July 19, 1889, in a little French hamlet, Montigny-le-Gannelon, some 80 miles Northeast of Paris. He fought for his country in the First World War and […]
THE BLOGS Baruch Tenembaum My unforgettable meeting with a British hero JUL 1, 2021, 1:43 AM Please note that the posts on The Blogs are contributed by third parties. The opinions, facts and any media content in them are presented solely by the authors, and neither The Times of Israel nor its partners assume any […]
- Brother Luigi – The Righteous Dermatologist
The Righteous Italian Dermatologist JUN 10, 2021, 9:19 AM I would like to dedicate this blog to a remarkable Italian rescuer, the courageous Dr. Emanuele Stablum, also known as Brother Luigi. He was born 126 years ago, on June 10, 1895, in Terzolas, a tiny Italian village located in the northern region of Trentino-Alto.Dr. Emanuele […]
- Remembering Milena Jesenka
Kafka was in love with her MAY 17, 2021, 12:57 AM Please note that the posts on The Blogs are contributed by third parties. The opinions, facts and any media content in them are presented solely by the authors, and neither The Times of Israel nor its partners assume any responsibility for them. Please contact […]
- The 106 anniversary of the Armenian Genocide
Remembering the victims of the Armenian Genocide APR 24, 2021, 4:40 PM Armenian RefugeesPhoto: Wikipedia Some three weeks ago, Israel paid tribute to the 6 million martyrs who perished during the Shoah and to the heroes who fought against Nazism. Today, on the 106 anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, my heart goes out to my sisters and […]
- Maria Agnese Tribbioli – A remarkable woman
A Courageous Nun APR 19, 2021, 3:29 PM Please note that the posts on The Blogs are contributed by third parties. The opinions, facts and any media content in them are presented solely by the authors, and neither The Times of Israel nor its partners assume any responsibility for them. Please contact us in case […]
- Pastor Andre Trocme – the rescuer from Le Chambon-sur-Lignon
The French pastor who made his village a haven for Jews in the Holocaust Upon the occupation of France in June 1940 and the establishment of the Vichy regime, Trocme urged his followers to grant shelter to the “People of the Bible.” By EDUARDO EURNEKIAN, BARUCH TENEMBAUM APRIL 5, 2021 21:48 PASTOR ANDRE TROCME and wife, Magda.(photo credit: […]
- Remembering Rev. Gerrit Alberts and his family
A Righteous Dutch Family March 29, 2021, 12:15 AM This is the singular story of the Alberts family, from Vlaardingen, a peaceful city located in the South of the Netherlands, by the Nieuwe Mass river. Back in 1943, during the Nazi occupation, Reverend Gerrit Alberts, his wife Johanna Cornelia and four of their children, Cornelis, […]
- Irish rescuer Mary Elmes
THE BLOGS Baruch Tenembaum An Irish Wonder Woman MAR 8, 2021, 10:55 PM Please note that the posts on The Blogs are contributed by third parties. The opinions, facts and any media content in them are presented solely by the authors, and neither The Times of Israel nor its partners assume any responsibility for them. […]
- Elisabeth Abbeg – a formidable rescuer
A Teacher and a Rescuer MAR 3, 2021, 12:02 PM Please note that the posts on The Blogs are contributed by third parties. The opinions, facts and any media content in them are presented solely by the authors, and neither The Times of Israel nor its partners assume any responsibility for them. Please contact us […]
- Irena Sendler was born 111 years ago
2,500 names in glass jars FEB 15, 2021, 10:55 AM . rena Sendler Photo: Stefan Maszewski / AFP – Getty Images FILE Irena Sendler was born in Otwock, near Warsaw, 111 years ago, on February 15, 1910, to Janina Karolina (née Grzybowska) and to Dr. Stanislaw Krzyzanowski, a physician and political activist of the Polish […]
- The legacy of Monsignor Angelo Rotta
Angelo as in ‘Angel’ JAN 31, 2021, 9:12 PM Thanks to my solid Jewish education, ever since I was a child I cherished the concept of “Hakarat Hatov” – The Recognition of Goodness. This has led me to establish the Raoul Wallenberg Foundation and seek acknowledgement for those who made a difference. Decades of research have exposed […]
- The International Holocaust Remembrance Day – Times of Israel
THE BLOGS Baruch Tenembaum A day to remember victims and rescuers JAN 26, 2021, 10:29 AM On November 1, 2005, the 42nd plenary session of the UN General Assembly adopted resolution 60/7, designating January 27 as the International Holocaust Remembrance Day. 60 years earlier, on January 27, 1945, the Red Army liberated the infamous Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration […]
- Times of Israel – We have not forgotten you, Mr. Wallenberg
JAN 17, 2021, 2:03 PM Raoul Wallenberg briefing his collaborators – Photo Karl Gabor It is quite understandable that so many words have been written about Raoul Wallenberg, one of the most heroic figures of the 20th century. At the early age of 32, this scion of one of the most influential families in Sweden, plunged […]
- Ha’aretz – What is Russia Hiding
Opinion | What Is Russia Hiding? Did Stalin kill him? And why? Until Putin reveals his fate, Raoul Wallenberg is still Russia’s prisoner A Hungarian woman touches the memorial stone of late Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg in St. Istvan park of Budapest on August 1, 2012.Credit: ATTILA KISBENEDEK / AFPBaruch TenembaumGet email notification for articles from […]
- Another anniversary of Raoul Wallenberg’s disappearance
OPINION: ‘We should not abandon Raoul Wallenberg’ Raoul Wallenberg’s diplomatic passport. Photo: NTB Sweden/Pressens Bild” Raoul Wallenberg was one of the greatest heroes of humankind. He, who risked his life to save innocent lives, should not be left behind,” writes Baruch Tenembaum, founder of the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation, in this opinion piece. On January […]
- A tribute to Chiune Sugihara
THE BLOGS Baruch Tenembaum Happy Birthday, Mr. Sugihara DEC 31, 2020, 9:52 AM Chiune Sugihara was born 121 years ago, on January 1, 1900 in Yaoutsu, Japan. From an early age, he was a bright student. Following his graduation from the prestigious Waseda University in Tokyo, he started his diplomatic career. He held his first […]
- Cardinal Elia Dalla Costa – 59th anniversary of his death
A Cardinal Rescuer DEC 21, 2020, 11:53 AM Cardinal Elia Angelo Dalla Costa was the Archbishop of Florence from 1931 till his death which occurred 59 years ago, on December 22, 1961.Cardinal Elia Dalla CostaPhoto: Wikipedia During the dark days of the Holocaust, he played a pivotal role in a massive and well-orchestrated Jewish-Christian campaign, dubbed […]
- Maria Edwards – A Chilean Rescuer
A Righteous Chilean Lady DEC 8, 2020, 1:14 PM Maria Edwards was born in Santiago, Chile, on December 11, 1893, 127 years ago, into a prominent Catholic family. Her father, Agustin, was a legendary political figure in his country. By the end of the 19th century he became Chairman of the Chilean Senate. Her brother, Agustin […]
- Pope John XXIII – a true friend of the Jews
The young generations should be aware of the goodness of this great man. By BARUCH TENEMBAUM NOVEMBER 23, 2020 20:44 POPE JOHN XXIII – during the dark days of WWII, he felt the tragic plight of the Jewish people. Pope John XXIII, known as “The Good Pope,” was born 139 years ago, on November 25, […]
- Kristallnacht anniversary is a good time to remember a German heroine
THE BLOGS Baruch Tenembaum A counterpoint to Kristallnacht NOV 8, 2020, 1:55 PM In the first half of November, two contrasting dates come to my mind. One represents evil at its purest form; the other, the loftiest essence of goodness. On the night of the 9th of November 1938, 82 years ago, an orgy of savage […]
- Nostra Aetate – 55th Anniversary
Nostra Aetate – The Legacy of The Good Pope THE BLOGS Baruch Tenembaum NOV 1, 2020, 10:52 AM Please note that the posts on The Blogs are contributed by third parties. The opinions, facts and any media content in them are presented solely by the authors, and neither The Times of Israel nor its partners […]
- Johan Hendrik Weidner – A Dutch rescuer
A Dutch Angel OCT 15, 2020, 11:33 AM Please note that the posts on The Blogs are contributed by third parties. The opinions, facts and any media content in them are presented solely by the authors, and neither The Times of Israel nor its partners assume any responsibility for them. Please contact us in case […]
Remembering Charles Aznavour SEP 30, 2020, 1 Charles Aznavour passed away two years ago, on October 1, 2018, at the age of 94. For more than six decades, he was recognized as one of the most important artists in the world but few people know the awe-inspiring role he had played as a young person, together […]
- Letter on the New York Times regarding the Catholic Church and the Holocaust
The Catholic Church and the Holocaust Sept. 14, 2020 OpinionLETTERS Readers react to new revelations from the Vatican’s previously sealed archives. Pope Pius XII in the Vatican.Credit ANSA, via Agence France-Presse — Getty Images To the Editor: Pope Pius XII was a complex figure, and David I. Kertzer’s preliminary findings reveal the already known […]
- Varian Fry’s Legacy
The Blogs Baruch Tenembaum Sep 10, 2020Varian Fry – an unlikely American heroAs the 53rd anniversary of his passing is approaching, I would like to celebrate the courageous life of Varian Fry. This young and brilliant editor, arrived in German-occupied France in early August 1940 as an emissary of the Emergency Rescue […]
- Remembering Gertrud Luckner, a singular rescuer
Dr. Gertrud Luckner (born Jane Hartman) was a singular heroine of the Holocaust. She resisted Nazism and played an instrumental role in reaching-out to many Jews, either by actually rescuing them or by assuaging their bitter plight. . She passed away on August 31, 1995, 25 years ago and I would therefore like to share […]
- Remembering Jorge Luis Borges on his 121st Birthday
‘We are all Greek and Hebrew’ Many years later, before the end of the 20th century, I founded the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation. By BARUCH TENEMBAUM AUGUST 23, 2020 21:17 DAVID BEN-GURION meets in Buenos Aires with Baruch Tenembaum and Jorge Luis Borges to his right.(photo credit: MARC TURKOW CENTER/AMIA) Jorge Luis Borges was born in Buenos […]
- Remembering Giorgio Perlasca on a new anniversary of his death
Giorgio Perlasca: The Great Pretender The stories of the rescuers of the Holocaust have two great points in common. All resisted joining the camp of horror, risking what they were and had. No one, in any way, was exempt from the high price that the noblest actions carry in certain periods of history. These stories […]
- Celebrating the 108th birthday of Raoul Wallenberg: An unlikely hero
This young Swede demonstrated how one compassionate person can make a significant difference. By BARUCH TENEMBAUM AUGUST 3, 2020 21:00 Raoul Wallenberg (photo credit: Wikimedia Commons) As the founder of the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation, I am always emotionally overwhelmed when we approach this date. This August 4th, we celebrate the 108th birthday of Raoul Wallenberg, one […]
- Remembering Raoul Wallenberg on his birthday
Remembering Raoul Wallenberg Baruch Tenembaum writes about the Righteous among the Nations, Raoul Wallenberg, the Swedish diplomat who saved tens of thousands of Jews in Budapest, Hungary, during the Holocaust. I have dedicated my adult life to the recognition of goodness. That is how, by the end of the last century, an idea was born: […]
- The IRWF pays tribute to Portuguese diplomat – Aristides de Sousa Mendes
A special meeting of the Board of the IRWF took place on June 17th, 2020, coinciding with the Day of Conscience. It is believed that on June 17th, 1940, Aristides de Sousa Mendes, decided to ignore the directives of the Portuguese government, outlined in the infamous Circular 40, and following his own humanitarian conscience […]
The IRWF pays tribute to the martyrs and heroes who took part in one of the most heroic revolts in history The Warsaw Ghetto uprising started on April 19th, 1943, exactly 77 years ago, as a result of the cruel oppression suffered by the Jews under the Nazi occupation. Warsaw had the largest ghetto in […]
- Maine
State of Maine proclaims October 5th, as Raoul Wallenberg Day Following the initiative of the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation (IRWF) Governor Paul R. LePage has proclaimed October 5th, 2016 as Raoul Wallenberg day in the State of Maine. This is the sixth time that the State of Maine is honoring the memory of Raoul Wallenberg […]
- Tribute to John XXIII from a Nobel Peace Prize candidate.
Baruj Tenembaum, a ”descendant of slaves” Rome, Wednesday, December 30, 2009 (ZENIT.org) – Among the top listed candidates to the Nobel Peace Prize, eventually conferred to President Barak Obama, was Barucj Tenembaum, the founder of the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation, as confirmed by PRIO, a prestigious and independent academic institute from Oslo, Norway. On the […]
- Beate Klarsfeld with Wallenberg Foundation
In Buenos Aires, volunteers from the Raoul Wallenberg Foundation met with Mrs. Beate Klarsfeld, who along with her husband, Serge Klarsfeld, will receive the Raoul Wallenberg Award 2010. The couple is globally recognized as one of the most active in terms of documentation on the Holocaust and persecution of Nazi war criminals. Along with Diana […]
- Wallenberg Foundation to document righteous Armenians
New York – The following letter was submitted by The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation of New York to The Armenian Reporter on September 21: On the 19th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Armenia, the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation greets the Armenian Government, Nation and Diaspora and announces the launching of a new […]
- I Wanted to Know Everything – Denis Avey’s Story
The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation has commissioned painter Felix de la Concha to create a portrait as well as conduct an interview with Denis Avey, a man who “smuggled” himself into Auschwitz from an adjacent camp where the Nazis kept British POW. Governed by a desire to see for himself what was going on inside […]
- Info on Polish family who helped WW II Jewish girl wanted
The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation in Jerusalem is searching for information about the living relatives of the Mislinski family, who aided a Jewish girl during Nazi occupied Poland during WW II. The Mislinski’s, who gave shelter to Raquel Dronzek in 1943, lived in Miastkowo, Podlaskie province, north east Poland. Raquel, born in in 1938 nearby […]
- Wallenberg’s Birthday Celebrated Across the World
The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation celebrated Wallenberg’s 98th Birthday from its offices in Buenos Aires, Jerusalem, and New York. Numerous Holocaust survivors reunited on August 4th at the headquarters of Casa Argentina en Israel Tierra Santa (CAITS) in Buenos Aires. Tomas Kertesz, one of the Wallenberg survivors, was in charge of blowing the candles, while […]
- Coronel José Arturo Castellanos
Consul General for El Salvador in Geneva, Switzerland, 1942-45 Colonel José Arturo Castellanos was the Salvadoran Consul General in Geneva, Switzerland in 1942-45. He appointed George Mandel-Mantello, a Romanian Jewish refugee living in Geneva, as the First Secretary at his consulate. He authorized Mantello to issue thousands of ”citizen certificates” to Jewish refugees throughout Nazi […]
- Rescuer’s Visas Registry Book Exhibited in New York
New York, July 21, 2010 – The ”Bordeaux Registry Book,” where the Portuguese diplomat Aristides de Sousa Mendes entered the names of all the people who received his visas to freedom during the Holocaust, was unveiled during a ceremony at the Museum of Jewish Heritage – A Living Memorial to the Holocaust to celebrate the […]
- Righteous Gentiles honored in Warsaw
(JTA) — Some 50 Righteous Gentiles, non-Jews who risked their lives to rescue Jews in Poland during the Holocaust, were honored in Warsaw. The luncheon Sunday in Warsaw was ”one of the largest-ever gatherings of Holocaust rescuers and one of the last of its kind, as many of these rescuers are elderly,” a spokesperson for […]
- Letter from the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation
The Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation addressed a letter to the Wallenberg Foundation regarding the fate of Raoul Wallenberg, following a letter to the President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev. The translation into English is posted below along with the original in Russian. The Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation The […]
- Dr. George B. Udvarhelyi dies
Famed neurosurgeon had been active in the Hungarian underground during World War II and as a young physician treated Eva Peron June 24, 2010|By Frederick N. Rasmussen, The Baltimore SunDr. George B. Udvarhelyi, an internationally known Johns Hopkins neurosurgeon who established the Office of Cultural Affairs at the East Baltimore medical school, died Tuesday evening […]
- Mass Offered for Anti-Nazi Diplomats
Tribute Paid to Those Who Followed Conscience ROME, JUNE 18, 2010 (Zenit.org).- Several cardinals of the Roman Curia concelebrated a Mass on Thursday for the eternal repose of two anti-Nazi diplomats who worked to rescue Jews during World War II. The souls of Luis Martins de Sousa Dantas and Aristides de Sousa Mendes were prayed […]
- Desobeir – Aristides de Sousa Mendes
In 1939, an unassuming Portuguese diplomat named Aristides de Sousa Mendes, a married family man in his 60s, is appointed as a consul in Bordeaux. In 1940, as German troops swarm across France he defies his superiors and the orders of the dictator Salazar by issuing thousands of visas for entry into Portugal. In doing […]
- Closing Reception
Closing Reception for Peter Bulow’s ”Blessings May Break from Stone” this Friday, Jun 4, 2010, 6.30pm to 8.30pm After a successful show artist Peter Bulow will host a closing reception for ”Blessings May Break from Stone” at the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation Cultural Space on Friday, Jun 4, 2010, from 6.30pm to 8.30pm. ”Blessings May […]
- Worldwide Religious Services to Honor Diplomat Heroes of WWII
June 17th marks the 70th anniversary of the day in which Portuguese Diplomat Aristides de Sousa Mendes decided, against the explicit orders to the contrary, to follow his conscience and give visas to those trying to escape the horrors of the Holocaust. By doing, so he saved around 30,000 people in only a few days […]
- A Catholic From El Salvador Proclaimed As Righteous Among the Nations
Colonel José Arturo Castellanos saved Jews during the WWII New York, Sunday, May 30, 2010 (ZENIT.org). Thanks to an initiative of the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation, Colonel José Arturo Castellanos, a catholic and a former Consul of El Salvador in Geneva during the WWII, was declared ”Righteous Among the Nations” by Yad Vashem, the ”Holocaust […]
- The story of a reunion between Spaniards and Jews united and separated by the War
”It came seven years too late” By HENRIQUE CYMERMAN – Special correspondent from Brussels – 05/03/2010 The Materne family, members of Belgian resistance movement, took in an orphan from Spain named Juanito, and a Jewish boy named Zenon. 70-year-old Zenon Zalman Shifer and 80-year-old Paquita Sánchez Manrubia study each other attentively. They caress each other’s […]
- Popular demand prompts IRWF to extend Peter Bulow exhibit for two additional weeks
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: 1-212-737-3275 svetlana@irwf.org New York, NY (April 30, 2010)— The steady stream of visitors at the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation’s ”Blessings May Break from Stone” art exhibit has prompted the IRWF to extend the exhibit’s run for two additional weeks. Originally scheduled to close on April 30, the exhibit will now run […]
- Was Raoul Wallenberg ”Prisoner Nº 7”?
When I established the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation, together with my late friend and former Chairman of the United States Committee on Foreign Affairs, Tom Lantos, the only Holocaust survivor to serve in the US Congress, he told me that his lifelong dream was to see his rescuer, Raoul Wallenberg, returning home. Tom passed away […]
- New Yorkers Remember the Holocaust at IRWF Art Exhibit Commemorating Holocaust Rescuers and Survivors
New York, NY – A crowd of eighty art lovers gathered yesterday at the Cultural Space of the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation, at the reception in honor of Blessings May Break from Stone, an exhibit of artwork created by Peter Bulow. Bulow, whose mother survived the Holocaust as a hidden child in Budapest, combined new […]
- Letter to The Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland
April 10, 2010 The Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland H.E. Mr. Donald Tusk Dear Mr. Prime Minister, The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation mourns the tragic death of President Lech Kacynski, the First Lady of Poland and the other distinguished members of the Polish delegation who perished in the plane crash. President Kacynski was […]
- Raoul Wallenberg was Prisoner Nr. 7 !!!
This report has reached the Wallenberg Foundation thanks to the courtesy of the following: Mrs. Marie Dupuy, who originally published it on her website ”Searching for Raoul Wallenberg”, Mrs. Susanne Berger, a former independent consultant to the Swedish-Russian Working Group, member of the Independent Investigation of Raoul Wallenberg’s fate of NYC and distinguished member of […]
- The IRWF unveils the amazing story of two children who found shelter with a Belgian couple
Zenon Fajertag was a Jew born in 1940 in Brussels, Belgium, during the Nazi occupation. In 1941, when Zenon was only one year old, his father died from an incurable illness. His mother was left to raise him alone. By mid 1942, the Nazis intensified their persecution of the Jewish population in Belgium, beginning an […]
- Raoul Wallenberg’s Fate
Mr. Danny Rainer and Mr. Alexander Blonsky, Vice-President and representative of the foundation in the UK respectively, have participated in an international telelink sponsored by Novosti Ria News Agency, Accu Radio and the Izvestia Magazine. Together with the IRWF representatives in the Jerusalem studio was Member of the Knesset, Dr. Marina Solodkin, who campaigns for […]
- 5th Annual Saviors on the Screen Film Marathon in New York
The IRWF joins forces with JCC Manhattan to present ”Saviors on the Screen,” a special marathon of films remembering the righteous saviors of Jews during the Holocaust. Taking place on April 11-12 at the JCC Manhattan, the series is part of the IRWF’s Yom HaShoah programs, which not only honor the memory of those lost […]
- How diplomat’s paperwork saved lives in Holocaust
NEW YORK — It took Ina Polak 35 years to discover the dusty piece of paper that probably saved her and her family in Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. It wasn’t until she was cleaning her mother’s New York City apartment following her death in 1980 that she discovered the document listing her, her sister and parents. […]
- Jews leave Swedish city after sharp rise in anti-Semitic hate crimes
Sweden’s reputation as a tolerant, liberal nation is being threatened by a steep rise in anti-Semitic hate crimes in the city of Malmo. When she first arrived in Sweden after her rescue from a Nazi concentration camp, Judith Popinski was treated with great kindness. She raised a family in the city of Malmo, and for […]
- US Ambassador pays tribute to Raoul Wallenberg
Vilma Martínez, United States Ambassador in Argentina, was the keynote speaker at the commemorative ceremony organized on February 8, 2010 in Buenos Aires, in honor of the Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg, marking the 65th anniversary of his disappearance. ”Raoul Wallenberg gave us an unparalleled profile in courage. He and the many he inspired in the […]
- Ambassador Vilma S. Martínez leads commemoration Of Raoul Wallenberg
Ambassador Vilma S. Martínez was invited by the Board of the Raoul Wallenberg Foundation in Buenos Aires to be the central speaker at an event marking the 65th year of Wallenberg’s disappearance into the custody o Soviet forces following their defeat of the Third Reich in Hungary. Wallenberg, a Swedish businessman and later diplomat, was […]
- János Beér
A testimony of Dr. János Beér, a man who worked with Raoul Wallenberg Dr. Mordecai Paldiel, Daniela Bajar, and Severo Reynoso, from the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation, travelled to Cambridge, MA, to record Dr. Janos Beér’s testimony. Dr. Beér was part of the Schützling Protokoll, a department created by Raoul Wallenberg within the Swedish Legation […]
- In the righteous spirit
Sir, – The rescue efforts displayed by Israel in Haiti is a clear example of ahavat chinam (unconditional love). Such a tiny country as Israel has sent to quake-stricken Haiti an impressive contingent of 220 highly trained medical and IDF personnel, setting up a state-of-the-art hospital in less than 24 hours, giving hope to thousands […]
- Raoul Wallenberg Award in Hungary
The Hungarian Raoul Wallenberg Association bestowed its first Raoul Wallenberg Award on 17th January for the first time. The ceremony took place in the Budapest Holocaust Memorial Center. The award was established by the Hungarian Raoul Wallenberg Association, the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour, the National Alliance of […]
- The Wallenberg Series Exhibit inaugurated in New York
Holocaust Survivors, art connoisseurs, members of The Jewish community, and press representatives gathered on January 17, 2010, at the recently inaugurated cultural space of the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation for the opening of ”The Wallenberg Series” exhibit. Showcased in its totality for the first time in the U.S., ”The Wallenberg Series” by Austro-Canadian artist Armand […]
- Remembering Wallenberg: The role of diplomacy in addressing antisemitism
The IRWF participated in a morning session to remember Raoul Wallenberg, which was held in The Stephen Roth Institute for the Study of Contemporary Antisemitism and Racism, at the Tel Aviv University The session was entitled ”Remembering Wallenberg: The role of diplomacy in addressing antisemitism” and was held in Tel Aviv University. The session was […]
- Remember Raoul Wallenberg
In reaction to ”The woman who hid Anne Frank has died at the age of 100”, by Nir Chason (Ha’aretz, Jan 13, 2010). Both Miep Gies and her husband Ian, were heroes. Amidst a tangible risk to their own lives, they hid Anne Frank and her family. Gies’ death at the age of 100 is […]
- Nobel Candidate Honors John XXIII
Wallenberg Foundation Founder Notes Pope’s Help for Jews ROME, JAN. 13, 2010 (Zenit.org).- One of the candidates for this year’s Nobel Peace Prize has dedicated his life to discovering those whom he calls heroic human beings. On his list is Pope John XXIII. Baruj Tenembaum, founder of the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation, was nominated to […]
- Remembering the heroes
Sir, – Miep Gies and her husband Jan were heroes (”Woman who hid Anne Frank dies at 100,” Online Edition, January 12). They offered sanctuary to Anne Frank and her family, and by so doing, they risked their lives. Ms. Gies’s passing at the age of 100 is also a painful reminder that another great […]
- Obituaries: Miep Gies
Miep Gies, who died on January 11 aged 100, was one of a Dutch couple who hid and sustained the family of Anne Frank for more than two years in an Amsterdam attic; later she helped to save Anne Frank’s diary for posterity. She was born Hermine Santrouschitz on February 15 1909 into a German […]
- Wallenberg Foundation Opens Cultural Space
The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation, together with Casa Argentina en Israel – Tierra Santa, inaugurated a cultural space dedicated to the promotion of the values that inspired the actions of Raoul Wallenberg and other Rescuers of the Holocaust through artistic and cultural endeavors. Located in the ground floor of the Foundation’s New York headquarters, the […]
- Wallenberg Foundation to Receive Art Donation
The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation has been selected to receive a donation of fourteen paintings from Austrian artist Armand Frederick Vallée. The paintings composed the series ”Wallenberg” and narrate Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg’s quest to save persecuted people in 1944 Budapest. Following the artist’s passing earlier this year, Liesel Paris, trustee of Mr. Vallée’s estate, […]
- Karolina and Zsuzsanna Reszeli declared ”Righteous among the Nations”
Karolina Reszeli and her late mother Zsuzsanna were declared ”Righteous among the Nations,” the highest honor bestowed by Yad Vashem, the ”Holocaust Martyrs’ and Heroes’ Remembrance Authority.” The decision was ratified by the retired Supreme Justice, Mr. Jacob Turkel, Chairman of the Commission for Designation of the Righteous Among the Nations at Yad Vashem. On […]
- Felix Rohatyn Recalls his Experiences During the Holocaust
Contrary to his well known prominent financial career and his role in preventing the bankruptcy of New York City in the 1970s, Felix Rohatyn’s childhood experiences during the Holocaust in France are virtually unknown. Rohatyn remembered some wonderful anecdotes during a meeting with the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation (IRWF) intended to videotape his testimony. He […]
- The ”Wallenberg at School” educational program was launched in Israel
The IRWF and Casa Argentina have launched the ”Wallenberg at School” educational program in Israel. The same consists of a series of lectures about Raoul Wallenberg by Eli Yossef, a well known Israeli educator who specializes in the life and legacy of the Swedish hero. During October-November, Eli Yossef gave lectures in several Israeli high-school […]
- A Member of the Executive Board of the IRWF will be presented with a Doctor Honoris Causa degree by the Humboldt University of Berlin
Former Community Rabbi of Berlin and an incumbent Member of the Executive Board of the IRWF, Rabbi Ernst Stein, will be awarded a Doctor Honoris Causa degree by the oldest Berlin’s academic institution, the world-prestigious Humboldt University. This well merited award is in recognition to Rabbi’s Stein life-long dedication to instilling the values of Judaism […]
- Tribute to The Kingdom of Morocco and to The Moroccan People
The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation has resolved to pay tribute to the Kingdom of Morocco and to the Moroccan people The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation is a global-reach NGO, with offices in New York, Berlin, Jerusalem, Buenos Aires and Rio de Janeiro. Among its members are more than a hundred heads of state and Nobel […]
- Heart of stone, heart of flesh
In E-book format and in You Tube Casa Argentina en Israel-Tierra Santa and the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation are proud to present in the form of an E-Book the play ”Heart of stone, heart of flesh”, written by the playwright and educator, Mr. Eli Yossef. Eli Yossef has a vast experience in the field of […]
- Sculptor Ann Froman unveils her sculpture ”Heroes”
The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation and Casa Argentina en Israel – Tierra Santa, Present Sculptor Ann Froman, who continues to excite the art world with her emotionally powerful sculpture: Heroes. On the darkest day in America’s recent history, Ann Froman felt compelled to create the masterpiece known today as ”Heroes of 9/11”. The memorial would […]
- West Virginia Declares Raoul Wallenberg Day
Governor Joe Manchin Officially Declares October 5th, 2009 Raoul Wallenberg Day in West Virginia New York, NY (HNN) – In honor of bravery, heroism and courage of Raoul Wallenberg, Governor Joe Manchin has officially declared Oct. 5, 2009, as Raoul Wallenberg Day in the State of West Virginia. The IRWF initiated a campaign aimed at […]
- Raoul Wallenberg’s Niece Meets with Survivors Rescued by her Uncle
Louise von Dardel met with Holocaust survivors saved by her uncle, Raoul Wallenberg during her week-long stay in New York. About nine Wallenberg Survivors, many of them with their children, were present at this ”wonderful and very touching meeting.” This is the second time the IRWF organizes a reunion of Wallenberg Survivors. More than twenty […]
- Nobel for Winton?
Sir Nicholas Winton, the man behind the Czech Kindertransport, should be nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize, according to the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation. Founder Baruch Tenembaum says that Sir Nicholas, now 100, performed ”remarkable feats” when he organised the evacuation of 669 Czechoslovakian Jewish children on the eve of the war.
- LETTER TO EDITOR: Winning hearts by training minds
It is not surprising that a terrorist group like Hamas follows the same Holocaust-denying posture as displayed by its Iranian patrons. Your editorial ”Hamas and the Holocaust” (Opinion, Tuesday) rightly points out that learning about the Holocaust could lead to peace. We at the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation, a global-reach no-governmental organization devoted to researching […]
- Raoul Wallenberg, a man who has affected many people
Raoul Wallenberg was a Swedish diplomat abducted and disappeared by the Soviets in 1945, during the Second World War, after having saved the lives of thousands of Jews who were being persecuted by the Nazis. There is a foundation named after him that tries to acquire the testimonies of men and women who survived the […]
- Guy von Dardel, who campaigned for his half-brother Raoul Wallenberg, dies in Geneva, age 90
GENEVA — Guy von Dardel, a particle physicist who sought for years to find his half-brother Raoul Wallenberg in Soviet imprisonment, died Friday at his home in Geneva. He was 90. Von Dardel never accepted Soviet authorities’ claims that Wallenberg, a Swedish diplomat who is credited with saving tens of thousands of Hungarian Jews from […]
- Guy von Dardel, at 90, Holocaust hero’s brother
GENEVA – Guy von Dardel, a particle physicist who sought for years to find his half-brother Raoul Wallenberg in Soviet imprisonment, died yesterday at his home in Geneva. He was 90. Mr. Von Dardel never accepted Soviet authorities’ claims that Wallenberg, a Swedish diplomat who is credited with saving tens of thousands of Hungarian Jews […]
- Guy von Dardel, who campaigned for his half-brother Raoul Wallenberg, dies in Geneva, age 90
GENEVA (AP) — Guy von Dardel, a particle physicist who sought for years to find his half-brother Raoul Wallenberg in Soviet imprisonment, died Friday at his home in Geneva. He was 90. Von Dardel never accepted Soviet authorities’ claims that Wallenberg, a Swedish diplomat who is credited with saving tens of thousands of Hungarian Jews […]
- Half-brother of Raoul Wallenberg dies in Geneva
Aug 28th, 2009 | GENEVA — Guy von Dardel, a particle physicist who sought for years to find his half-brother Raoul Wallenberg in Soviet imprisonment, died Friday at his home in Geneva. He was 90. Von Dardel never accepted Soviet authorities’ claims that Wallenberg, a Swedish diplomat who is credited with saving tens of thousands […]
- Norwegian stamp condemned for honouring Nazi sympathiser
Controversy has erupted after Norway issued a stamp honouring a writer who sympathised with the Nazis. Knut Hamsun won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1920, but met Hitler during the German occupation of Norway in 1943 and later wrote an positive obituary for him. He also encouraged Germany to ‘bring England to its knees’ […]
- The other face of Sweden: Ben Olander
Ben was born in Gothenburg, Sweden, in 1950. He enjoyed a particularly happy childhood. His family, though, was singularly intolerant of music. In a period of pure teenage rebellion Ben started to play the guitar just to upset his parents. Once when his father came upon Ben practicing on his guitar, he roared at him, […]
- Bad winds are blowing from Scandinavia
A few weeks ago, we learned that Norway’s Royal House and Government have launched a one-year long celebration to commemorate the 150th birthday of their national writer and Nobel laureate, Knut Hamsun. Understandable if it weren’t for the fact that Hamsun was a rabious Nazi supporter, a traitor of his own corageous countrymen who fought […]
- New critics against Hamsun’s anniversary
The celebration of the 150th birthday of writer and Nazi sympathizer Knut Hamsun receives more international critics. The Wallenberg Foundation strongly expressed itself against Norway. Norway celebrates the 150 years that have passed by since the birth of Knut Hamsun, something that has not gone internationally unnoticed. The birthday was criticized in Israel, by Jewish […]
- Gathering at the London Wallenberg Statue
A special gathering organized by the Western Marble Arch Synagogue took place at the Raoul Wallenberg Statue in London. The delegation was presided by Rabbi Lionel Rosenfeld and Sir Sigmund Sternberg. Marcus Engstrom, representing the Swedish Embassy, also attended the moving ceremony. Mrs. Jill Blonsky, volunteer of the Wallenberg Foundation, made a speech as did […]
- Buenos Aires remembers Wallenberg
On August 4th 2009, the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation (IRWF) organized a public tribute in Buenos Aires in celebration of the 97th birthday of the Swedish diplomat who saved tens of thousands of lives during the Holocaust. More than a hundred people gathered to remember the deeds of Raoul Wallenberg, who disappeared after having been […]
- IRWF New York reunites Wallenberg survivors for the first time
”When I look at my children, at my grandchildren; when I look at my family, I see Raoul Wallenberg’s face,” said Kayla Kaufman, one of the many Holocaust Survivors rescued by Raoul Wallenberg. Along with Kaufman, the lives of 100,000 people would change their course thanks to the birth of the Swedish diplomat on August […]
- The Norwegian shame
At the beginning of 2009, the Norwegian government announced a one-year long event about the life of the writer Knut Hamsun (1859-1952), celebrating 150 years since his birth. Hamsun, awarded with the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1920, was also a fervent supporter of Adolf Hitler. Last March, Norway took over the presidency of the […]
- Norwegian Foreign Minister Støre’s letter to the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation
Oslo, 30 July 2009 Mr. Baruch Tenembaum The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation Dear Mr. Tenembaum Thank you for your letter of 9 July, on behalf of the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation, expressing apprehension with regard to Norway’s commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the birth of the Norwegian author Knut Hamsun. I would like to […]
- Organization to Showcase Art Dedicated to Raoul Wallenberg
(New York, N.Y.) – The Wallenberg Foundation invited artist Ann Froman to showcase her sculptures during the first reunion of Holocaust Survivors saved by the Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg. Organized by The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation (IRWF) to celebrate what would be Wallenberg’s 97th birthday, this unique gathering will reunite about twenty survivors living in […]
- Letter to the the Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway
New York, July 27, 2009 Her Royal Highness The Crown Princess Mette-Marit ______________________ Your Highness, On behalf of the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation I am writing to Your Highness to express, with utmost candidness and transparency, the concern of this educational organization in light of the initiative of your country to declare 2009 as the […]
- Organization to Gather Wallenberg Survivors for the First Time
New York – Kayla Kaufman was only 9 years old in 1944 in Hungary. But she still remembers the look on her father’s face the Friday night when her family was safely reunited with the help of Swedish Diplomat Raoul Wallenberg. ”I’ve seen so many movies and so many TV shows, I have never seen […]
- Turkey: Between darkness and light
In the occupied France in the 1940’s, several Turkish Consuls and Ambassadors signed fake nationality certificates to save Jews from deportation. ”Even if Salomon Karel was Jewish, he would not have been subjected to the preferential treatment for the Jewish people in France, at the time when, without any discrimination, French citizens enjoyed an absolute […]
- Letter to the Queen of Norway
The Knut Hamsun Case New York, July 17, 2009 Your Majesty Queen Sonja of Norway Your Majesty, On behalf of the members of the Wallenberg Foundation I must convey to you, with all due respect and absolute transparency, our surprise and worry in light of the one-year official celebration which Norway is dedicating to Knut […]
- Hamsun tribute is ‘disconcerting’
IN March 2009, Norway assumed chairmanship of the 27-nation task force for International Co-operation on Holocaust Education, Remembrance and Research. A few months earlier, the Norwegian government announced that 2009 marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of Knut Hamsun. In Norway, the National Library will be responsible for the official anniversary celebration. Knut Hamsun, […]
- Stories of hope from the Holocaust
Their stories convey experiences of hope, persecution, and survival. They are the testimonies of several Jews who were Nazi prisoners during World War II. By means of the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation, they speak today from the point of view of having seen the war first hand, of having lost their family, and of their […]
- Norway and Knut Hamsun
Norway, a country that has always been looked up at by the rest of the world as a model of modern social development and education, has in recent times stunned the world by laying on a lavish year long celebration to the life and work of writer Knut Hamsun (1859-1952) on the occasion of the […]
- IRWF honours Raoul Wallenberg in Tel Aviv
A special screening of the documentary film: ”The case of Raoul Wallenberg: Saviour and victim”, directed by Klaus Dexel, took place at the Tel Aviv Cinemateque, commemorating the 97th birthday of Raoul Wallenberg Among the attendants were Mr. Danny Rainer and Ms. Viviane Epstein of the IRWF. Mr. Larry Pfeffer of the Jerusalem Working Group, […]
- Interview to Baruch Tenembaum: ”Thousands of Jews owe their lives to John XXIII”
Baruch Tenembaum is a well-known Argentinean Jewish business man and ecumenical activist, founder of the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation, together with his late friend Tom Lantos. More active than ever, he is always in search of testimonials of people who saved Jews during the Holocaust… as a duty and as a obligation. Baruch Tenembaum is […]
- Prominent Spanish Artist Portrays Holocaust Survivors
The IRWF has a pleasure of announcing the collaboration with artist Felix de la Concha who is sharing with us the portraits and testimonies of people rescued by Wallenberg, part of his latest project of portraying and recording Holocaust survivors. The process of portraying, done in an intimate setting and assuming considerable time of interaction […]
- Papal Visit Planned Today At Yad Vashem
Letter to the Editor To The Editor: The Pope’s visit to Israel is a good opportunity to reflect upon the intricate bonds between Judaism and Catholicism. Dialogue between the two religions needs to be enhanced. The Catholic world should repudiate the heinous deeds committed in the past against Jews, in the name of religion, such […]
- iDialogue Pioneer Expects Headway From Papal Trip
Says Pilgrimage Is Historic Chance to Strengthen Bonds JERUSALEM, MAY 11, 2009 (Zenit.org).- The founder of the Raoul Wallenberg Foundation says he is expecting the visit Benedict XVI began today in Israel to deepen dialogue between Catholics and Jews. Baruch Tenembaum, a pioneer in interreligious dialogue since the times of Pope Paul VI, told ZENIT […]
- Information on WW II Jewish rescuer in Poland wanted
HUMAN INTEREST The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation is searching for a Polish Catholic Rescuer to be recognized by the Yad Vashem Institute in Jerusalem. Information is required regarding Jozef Borzecki, who during WWI resided in the village of Piaski Szlacheckie, in the Lubelskie province, south east Poland. According to testimonies, Borzecki sheltered a Jewish family […]
- Foundation seeks testimonies on Jews saved by Catholics
The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation has launched a worldwide appeal for testimonies of Jews saved by Catholics during the Holocaust. The group is making the appeal ahead of Pope Benedict’s visit to Israel next month, JTA News reports. ”During World War II, a great number of Catholic men and women in the European continent risked […]
- Papal trip prompts call for holocaust hero stories
Foundation Seeks Testimonies of Jews Saved by Catholics JERUSALEM, APRIL 21, 2009 (Zenit.org).- In view of Benedict XVI’s upcoming Holy Land visit, the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation has launched a worldwide appeal for testimonies of Jews saved by Catholics during the Holocaust. The foundation explained in a statement: ”During World War II, a great number […]
- Proclamation for the State of Illinois
Governor Pat Quinn has proclaimed October 5, 2009, as Raoul Wallenberg Day in the State of Illinois, whose Senate had President Barack Obama as one of its most distinguished members. The proclamation came as a result of the initiative of the IRWF, one of many that the Foundation is carrying out to preserve the memory […]
- A hero without a grave
In response to ”Raoul Wallenberg parents committed suicide out of despair following his disappearance”, by Gila Dekel (Ha’aretz, March 3rd., 2009), we would like to underscore and emphasize the fact that major dramatic events took place, linking this affair no more and no less than Joseph Stalin himself. After more than 60 years, one can […]
- We shall not give-up our struggle
In response to ”Raoul Wallenberg’s parents committed suicide out of despair after he disappeared”, by Gila Dekel (”Ha’aretz, March 3, 2009). The suicide of Raoul Wallenberg’s parents brings home the human tragedy of the family of a man who saved scores of Jews from the Nazi destruction machinery. The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation has been […]
- Russian Federation officially blames Stalin for Wallenberg dissapeareance
Today world media echoes a crude statement made by Mrs. Nina Lagergren who openly admitted that Raoul Wallenberg’s mother and stepfather killed themselves in despair at his fate in 1979. Wallenberg, a Swede diplomat, helped save the lives of tens of thousands of persecuted people during the Holocaust. On 17 January 1945 he was seized […]
- IRWF Members Appointed to Barack Obama’s Cabinet
Janet Napolitano, Governor of the State of Arizona, has been selected to lead the US Department of Homeland Security by President Obama. A member of the IRWF since September 2005, Napolitano is the first woman to serve in that office. The newly confirmed Secretary of Agriculture, Thomas Vilsack, has been with the Wallenberg Foundation since […]
- Holocaust hero’s parents ‘killed themselves in despair’
STOCKHOLM (AFP) — The mother and stepfather of Raoul Wallenberg, the Swede who saved thousands of Jews during World War II before he disappeared, killed themselves in despair at his fate, his sister said Monday. Wallenberg, who was working as a diplomat in Nazi-occupied Budapest when he managed to rescue tens of thousands o f […]
- New Performance of Wallenberg, a Musical Drama, in Harrison, NY
The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation is proud to be one of the associate producers of the amazing, new Broadway-bound Wallenberg musical, which will have a new performance on Sunday, April 26. The concert presentation will take place at 3:00 pm in the Jewish Community Center of Harrison, located at 130 Union Avenue, Harrison, New York, […]
- The Builder
It was great reading Deborah Solomon’s interview with Felix Rohatyn (Questions for, Feb. 8). Rohatyn saved the city of New York back in 1975, and his insight and common sense are relevant to our turbulent times. One thing I missed in the interview was the fact that Rohatyn himself had been saved from the Nazis […]
- Wallenberg Foundation in Tel Aviv
Mr. Danny Rainer, Vice-President of the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation, was the keynote speaker at a Wizo home gathering which took place in the home of the Axebrad family, in the city of Tel Aviv. The title of Mr. Rainer’s address was: ”The legacies of Raoul Wallenberg and other rescuers of the Holocaust”. Mr. Rainer […]
- John Paul Abranches. Son of Holocaust Rescuer dies aged 78.
Obituary John Paul Abranches, who spearheaded efforts to honor and ”rehabilitate” his father, Portuguese diplomat and Righteous Gentile, Aristides de Sousa Mendes, passed away in Antioch, California, on February 5, 2009, after a long illness. John Paul was 78. He was the last surviving son of his parents, Aristides and Angelina de Sousa Mendes. John […]
- Klenicki, interfaith rabbi honored by pope, dies
MONROE TOWNSHIP, N.J. (AP) Rabbi Leon Klenicki, an advocate for improving interfaith relations whose efforts were lauded by Pope Benedict XVI, has died. He was 78. He died Jan. 25 of cancer at his Monroe Township home, his wife, Myra, said Saturday. Klenicki wrote or co-wrote numerous books and papers aimed at improving relations between […]
- Holocaust Heroes Needed
Foundation Launches Information Appeal NEW YORK, JAN. 30, 2009 (Zenit.org).- The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation is launching an appeal for information regarding Italian citizens who saved persecuted people during World War II. The New York-based foundation, with the mission to honor, preserve and divulge the legacies of the rescuers of the Holocaust, noted that there […]
- Two sides of the Shoah…
Sir, – Irwin Cotler offers us a cogent analysis of the Holocaust and the exercise of remembrance (”The Holocaust did not begin in the gas chambers – it began with words,” January 27), all of it poignantly relevant these days when the president of Iran calls for the destruction of Israel. I would only add […]
- ‘Aristides – the Outcast Hero’ Premieres 1/27
‘Aristides – the Outcast Hero’ tells the little know story of Aristides de Sousa Mendes, the Portuguese consul in Bordeaux in 1940, who disobeyed his fascist government and issued some 30,000 visas to refugees fleeing Nazi persecution. By cleverly exploiting treaties between Portugal and Spain, Aristides de Sousa Mendes forced open an escape route out […]
- Honor overdue
Sir, – Enrico Mandel-Mantello’s letter ”Unknown hero” (December 19), raised two painful points: why we, the Jewish people, ignore Jewish saviors; and why Col. Jose Arturo Castellanos has not been declared a Righteous Among the Nations. The Salvadorans’ report on their foreign ministry’s Web site proves that Castellanos was a hero. I hope the Wallenberg […]
- Rafael Lemkin remembered
The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation has celebrated this week the life of Rafal Lemkin, the acclaimed Polish lawyer who first coined the term Genocide, back in the 1930’s. The Wallenberg Foundation celebrates Lemkin’s life and achievements this week as on December 9th., 1948, the UN General Assembly adopted the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment […]
- The realization of a dream
The Slawinski’s and the Maiman’s embraced in a brotherly hug Esfira Maiman – a young-spirited 94 years old lady has realized a life-long dream. This week, she embraced Roman Slawinski, the nephew of Stanislawa Slawinska, the Polish Catholic woman who, more than sixty years ago gave shelter to her and to other persecuted Jews at […]
- Jewish Leader Wants Honor for John XXIII
ROME, NOV. 4, 2008 (Zenit.org).- The founder of the Raoul Wallenberg Foundation wants Pope John XXIII to receive the honorary title given to those who took extraordinary measures to save Jews from the Holocaust. Baruch Tenembaum is proposing that the Italian Pope be given the title ”Righteous Among the Nations” by the Yad Vashem. ”If […]
- Polish woman honoured as ”Righteous Among the Nations”
Yad Vashem, The Holocaust Martyrs’ and Heroes’ Remembrance Authority in Jerusalem, has chosen to bestow the honour of ”Righteous Among the Nations” upon the Polish Catholic Slawinska Stanislawa, for risking her life to save 10 Jews during WWII. Stanislawa’s medal and certificate were sent to the Israeli Embassy in Warsaw where a ceremony for the […]
- Jewish Leader Wants Honor for John XXIII
Says Pope Should Be Declared ”Righteous Among the Nations” ROME, NOV. 4, 2008 (Zenit.org).- The founder of the Raoul Wallenberg Foundation wants Pope John XXIII to receive the honorary title given to those who took extraordinary measures to save Jews from the Holocaust. Baruch Tenembaum is proposing that the Italian Pope be given the title […]
- Hungarian Holocaust Rescuer has received the Wallenberg Medal
Ms. Karolina Reszeli and her late mother, Zsuzsanna received the Raoul Wallenberg Women Rescuers Medal and the Esfira Maiman Women Rescuers Medal. The recognitions were conveyed by the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation, an educational NGO founded by Baruj Tenembaum. The ceremony took place on October 27th, at János Wesley University of Theology in Budapest. The […]
- Call your kids Stanislawa!
The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation is officially launching a campaign that will call upon parents to name their newborn babies after Stanislawa Slawinska, a Polish Catholic who has been included in the Righteous of the Nations at the Yad Vashem institute in Jerusalem. The campaign calls for Stanislawa to be used for baby girls and […]
- President of Albania receives accolade
On Thursday, September 25, 2008, the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation participated at the event organized in honor of the visiting Albanian President, Bamir Topi. On the occasion Yad Vashem’s (Israel Holocaust Memorial Authority) Certificate was presented to Mr. Arian Myrto in honor of his late father, Mr. Shyqyri Myrto. Dr. Mordecai Paldiel, from the IRWF, […]
- It is never too late to honour the Righteous
Henk Drogt was a hero. He deserves to be the named Righteous by Yad Vashem and the younger generations have the right to know his feats. A word of praise should go to the EL AL pilot who unveiled the story. Lately, Yad Vashem announced the bestowal of the title of Righteous to a Polish […]
- True heroine
Sir – Etgar Lefkovits’s ”94-year-old Holocaust survivor reconnects with family that saved her life” (September 19) moved me to tears. Stanislawa Slawinska was a heroine. She stood up against evil. Esfira Maiman should be praised for consistently seeking just recognition of her savior. And the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation played a remarkable role in this […]
- A foundation is still looking for people who saved jews during the Holocaust
Although the purpose comes from the process against Adolf Eichmann, at the beginning of the 60s, during the last times the searching for the saviours of jews from the nazi persecution began to take more power. Those are the Rightous Among the Nations, those who in a terrible situation like the Holocaust, took the risk […]
- Stacha, a catholic heroine in Warsaw
The last person to receive the recognition as a Rightous among the Nations was Stanislawa (Stacha) Slawinska, a polish catholic housewife who saved ten persons from the gueto in Warsaw, during World War Two. A few months ago, Esfira Rappaport de Maiman, 94 years old, went to the office of the Raul Wallenberg Foundation in […]
- The sum of all power
Sir, On August 19, 1934, tens of millions of Germans voted in favor of Adolf Hitler, sending him to the office of Chancellor and President of Germany. One day later, Joseph Goebbel’s Ministry of Propaganda informed that almost 90 % of the voters opted for the concentration of the State powers in Hitler’s hands, with […]
- Staunch friend came to call
Sir, – Gordon Brown’s address to the Knesset showed that the tenant of 10 Downing St. is a staunch friend of the Jewish people. In his speech, Britain’s premier recalled the bravery of Raoul Wallenberg, to whom he dedicated a chapter in his book Courage – Eight Portraits. The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation is proud […]
- Tommy Lapid
Sir, – With the passing of Yosef (Tommy) Lapid, our foundation loses one of its most distinguished honorary members and spiritual guides. He was rescued by Raoul Wallenberg, the Swedish diplomat who saved 100,000 Hungarian Jews and was abducted by the Soviets, never to be seen again. A sharp-witted and -tongued journalist and politician, he […]
- In tribute to a rescuer
A special ceremony will be held in Warsaw this summer dedicated to a recently located rescuer, and her family, of Jews who escaped the Warsaw Ghetto during WW II. As recently reported on thenews.pl, after a painstaking search, the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation has managed to locate the family of a Polish Catholic woman who […]
- Irena Sendler
From The Economist print edition Irena Sendler, saviour of children in the Warsaw ghetto, died on May 12th, aged 98 POLAND suffered more than any other European country during the second world war. And there was an extra twist: the history of that suffering was then systematically distorted by the Soviet-imposed Communist rulers, and widely […]
- Eternal gratitude
Sir, – Last Monday, Irena Sendler, one of the greatest rescuers of victims of the Holocaust, passed away. She epitomized the great courage of the thousands of women and men who risked their lives to save the persecuted. The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation recently managed to locate the only living relative of another great Polish […]
- Exhibition of war-time caricatures opens in Berlin
The opening of the Robert Olschwanger caricatures exhibition took place on May 5, 2008, at the Ev. Vaterunser Gemeinde, protestant Church of Berlin. The event was organized jointly by the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation and the Vaterunser Gemeinde Church under the helm of the curator, Pastor Annemarie Werner. Distinguished personalities of the Jewish community in […]
- Scholars Search for Clues to a Holocaust Mystery
Letters to the Editor Your article raises intriguing questions that remain unanswered even today, 63 years after the abduction and disappearance of the greatest of saviors — Raoul Wallenberg [Foreign, ”Scholars Search for Clues to a Holocaust Mystery,” April 28, 2008]. This search proves the stature of this great man, whose fate stirs a great […]
- Appeal for information on Polish WW II saviors
The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation has contacted thenews.pl to appeal for information on two Polish saviors of Jews during WW II. The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation is looking for any information regarding Ms Stanislava (Stacha) Slawinska and her nephew, Roman Slawinski (in middle of photo), originally from the town of Grodzisk (Mazowieski?), Poland. According to […]
- Education is the key
Mr Hannan makes a valid point. Morally speaking, Holocaust deniers are a bunch of liars and ideological thugs who deserve being condemned by society. Basically, their agenda is to pave the way for another Holocaust through their blatant lies. And yet, practically speaking, one could argue that gagging them is not worthwhile or even counterproductive. […]
- Portugal Honors Diplomat Who Saved Jews
Indeed, ”this is a gratifying day”, as proclaimed by the Portuguese Parliament Speaker. Aristides de Sousa Mendes was a great hero, who granted life-saving visas to Jews during the Holocaust, against explicit orders from his own government. He belongs to the breed of saviors led by the Swedish diplomat – Raoul Wallenberg. The International Raoul […]
- A worthy educational proposal
Education is a powerful tool, especially at an early age. If carefully implemented, President Sarkozy`s initiative would prove to be an excellent inoculation against the advent of a future genocide. Our Foundation has accumulated a vast experience in developing Holocaust educational programmes to the youngsters. We believe that the lessons of the Holocaust should be […]
- Sweden’s records on Raoul Wallenberg disappearance posted online
STOCKHOLM, Sweden: The Swedish government has launched an online database with more than 1,000 documents on the disappearance of Raoul Wallenberg, a diplomat who saved thousands of Jews from Nazi death camps. The searchable database collects previously published material in one place to make it easier for both government and private researchers to explore Wallenberg’s […]
- Tom Lantos – The departure of a giant
Rep. Tom Lantos was a singular figure in the political landscape. As a Holocaust survivor who was saved by the Swedish diplomat – Raoul Wallenberg, it would be fair to say that these two facts have marked his political lifelong path. Tom Lantos was a relentless and passionate defender of human rights. He was similarly […]
- Wallenberg and Lantos
Raoul Wallenberg, the Swedish diplomat who was abducted by the Soviets 63 years ago, has given us the gift of 100,000 lives. Each life is a whole world, but today we should focus on the remarkable life of Congressman Tom Lantos, who passed away a few days ago. Lantos, a Holocaust survivor, was one of […]
- Tom Lantos
Congressman Lantos did earn such a heroe’s farewell by his peers, countrymen, dignitaries and world celebrities. He was a unique legislator in more than one sense. He had only one master: his passion for human rights. Undoubtedly, the fact he was a Holocaust survivor whose life was saved by the Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg, had […]
- Honor due to Raoul Wallenberg
January 16 is Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Every year, all Americans dedicate the day to the memory of this great fighter for equality and human rights. The great irony is that just one day later we commemorate a great American tragedy. The heroism of another (honorary) American citizen, who fought for human rights, just […]
- East Timor declares state of emergency
The bullets of fanaticism have seriously wounded East Timor President – Jose Ramos Horta – a longtime member of the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation. President Ramos Horta has dedicated his life to combat injustice through peaceful means. The Norwegian Nobel Peace Prize Committee recognized his efforts by awarding him the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize in […]
- Lantos dies of cancer at age 80
Rep. Tom Lantos was a unique figure in the US Congress and world politics at large. His passing leaves a huge void. Lantos, a Holocaust survivor who fought the Nazis alongside the Hungarian resistance, was eventually saved by Raoul Wallenberg, the Swedish diplomat who granted life-worth visas to 100,000 Hungaria Jews and ended-up abducted by […]
- Calif. Rep. Tom Lantos dies
Tom Lantos was a champion of human rights. It is fair to say that he was deeply influenced by Raoul Wallenberg, the Swedish diplomat who saved him from the Nazis, among other 100,000 Hungarian Jews. Rep. Lantos never missed an opportunity to fight for human rights, and to instill into the younger generations the lessons […]
- The death of a unique human being and statesman
The death of Congressman Lantos is leaving a huge void. Lantos was a unique figure in the US Congress. A Holocaust survivor and anti-Nazi underground fighter who was saved by the Swedish diplomat – Raoul Wallenberg. He never forgot the legacy of his savior, always embracing the causes in favor of human rights. As a […]
- Jose Ramos-Horta
The recent assassination attempt against President Jose Ramos-Horta is a attempt to kill moderation. Mr. Ramos-Horta, a Nobel Peace Prize co-laureate and distinguished member of the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation is a world figure who has dedicated his life to combatting injustice and furthering peace. We, his fellow members, at the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation, […]
- How Democracy Produced a Monster
To the Editor: Re ”How Democracy Produced a Monster,” by Ian Kershaw (Op-Ed, Feb. 3): The rise of Hitler was indeed a unique episode in history. But we need to remember, as we look at countries where democratic means are used by authoritarian rulers and where human rights are ignored, at best, that during the […]
- Germany’s search for home truths continues, 75 years on
Mr. Steele is right. Modern Germany is doing a good educational job in trying to unveil the secret code of the Holocaust. He is also right in claiming the job is not yet done. But they are on the right track. Especially so under the helm of Chancellor Merkel. The Germans understand that understanding the […]
- Chavez’s Anti-Semitism
Mr. Foxman addresses a very important point and his concern is shared by many. Venezuela is a country to be reckoned with and it certainly deserves to enjoy and embrace the highest values of democracy and human rights. I have recently read an appealing book written by two Argentinean-born pedagogues based in Israel: Prof. Jaime […]
- U. of C. math professor urged creativity in learning
Professor Izaak Wirszup (Z’l) was a world revered mathematician who never forgot his roots. He made a paramount contribution to the teaching of mathematics but he never neglected the exercise of preserving his memories as a Holocaust survivor. Professor Wirszup had lost his wife and son during the Holocaust but he managed to turn his […]
- A saviour is a saviour
Regardless of his pyschological motivations, Victor Kugler was a hero who had put his life at risk to hide Anne Frank. He was one of the corageous saviours who confronted evil by reaching others to those in plight. Raoul Wallenberg, the Swedish diplomat who saved 100,000 Hungarian Jews, was not alone. Thousands of saviours around […]
- Day trip to Auschwitz for pupils from every school
This government-funded initiative is meaningful. It creates young ambassadors who will divulge the atrocities perpetrated by the Nazis. Yet, this programme should be coupled with a thorough learning of the other side of the coin represented by the saviours of the Holocaust. Brave women and men who risked their own lives to help those persecuted […]
- Sir Nicholas Winton and the other saviours
Sir Nicholas Winton, the brave Briton who saved hundreds of Jewish children from the Nazis, has been nominated for the 2008 Peace Nobel Prize. Few people are so deserving of such prestigious tribute. Sir Nicholas, who is close to his 100th. birthday is a great hero and saviour, but he was not alone. There were […]
- Judge bans Holocaust float in Brazil
The Brazilian Judge’s decision to ban the so called ”Carnival Float” should be praised. The Holocaust is not something to be trivialized. The attempt to create shock value by means of the Holocaust is despicable. Instead of ridiculing the memory of victims, the members of the Viradouro samba group should learn the lessons of the […]
- Presentation of the book Escape at the JCC of Manhattan
Professor Norman Poser’s family lived in Norway in 1940. By the end of the war, all but one were saved, unlike about a third of the Jews in Norway. Their stories of escape and rescue are told in the book ”Escape”, and were told by the author at the JCC of Manhattan, in an event […]
- US Congressman and Wallenberg Foundation co-founder Tom Lantos at the United Nations
In the speech, delivered in the UN Monday night on Lantos’s behalf by his daughter Dr. Katrina Lantos-Swett, the congressman said that it was the responsibility of the entire international community to prevent another Holocaust and to keep the memory of those who perished alive as Israel faces constant threats to its survival. ”Just as […]
- 75 Years Since Hitler Rose to Power
75 years after Hitler’s access to power, the world is still a suitable scenario for a dreaded comeback. Hitler’s wannabes are voicing their ideologies without a hint of shame. Ahmedinajad is a clear representative of that group. The UN and Germany have set a Holocaust Day of Remembrance. This is a blessed initiative, but not […]
- Tom Lantos is right
Rep. Tom Lantos is right in criticizing certain UN members, who wish to destroy the State of Israel. The UN should be praised for creating a Holocaust Memorial Day but it should be urged to repudiate those who encourage hatred. Lantos – a long standing member of the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation – was saved […]
- Courage personified
It is important to remember that Tom Lantos’ brave stance is a direct result of his personal experience, not only as a victim of the horrors of the Holocaust in Hungary, but also as one of the tens of thousands saved by Raoul Wallenberg (”Tom Lantos passes humanity’s torch,” Feb. 22). There are many parallels […]
- Senator Yee proposes naming Devil’s Slide tunnel after Tom Lantos
Congressman Lantos deserves every tribute. Not necessarily because his contribution to this project but because he is a human rights champion. He fought the Nazis and survived the Holocaust thanks to the Swedish Diplomat, Raoul Wallenberg, who 63 years ago was abducted by the Soviets and his fate is still a mystery. Lantos never forgot […]
- Obama’s Farrakhan Test
Richard Cohen’s call to Mr Obama to comdemn the Trumpet Newsmagazine’s award to Farrakhan is totally justified. Mr Obama is an honest politician and we are sure he repudiates the award. On Jan 17th., the world marks the 63rd anniversary of the disappearance of the Swedish diplomat, Raoul Wallenberg, who saved 100,000 Hungarian Jews from […]
- How the Holocaust happened
Prof Friedlander’s contribution to the understanding of the Holocaust is paramount. Other historians – Sir Martin and Leni Yahil have also shed light on the subject. And yet, the evil embodied by the Nazis had a formidable opposing force led by the Saviours, righteous gentiles who put their life at risk to save the European […]
- Calif. Rep. Lantos says he has cancer, won’t seek re-election
Congressman Lantos’ recent announcement is regrettable. He’s a unique figure. Former anti-Nazi Underground member. The only Holocaust survivor in the US Congress. He was one of the tens of thousands of Hungarian Jews saved by Raoul Wallenberg, the Swedish diplomat who ended up abducted by the Soviet forces, in the wake of WWII. Lantos was […]
- Lantos & Wallenberg
Sir, – It is symbolic that Rep. Tom Lantos (D-Burlingame) announced his illness and his stepping-down in the same month that we commemorate the day Raoul Wallenberg – the man who saved Lantos and his wife more than 60 years ago – was taken by the Soviets, never to be seen again (”Lantos to quit […]
- Rep. Lantos and Raoul Wallenberg
Re ”Lantos says he won’t run in fall,” Jan. 3 It is symbolic that Rep. Tom Lantos (D-Burlingame) announced his illness and his stepping-down in the same month that we commemorate the day that Raoul Wallenberg — the man who saved Lantos and his wife more than 60 years ago — was taken by the […]
- Helper ‘a hero’ in NYC subway attack
NEW YORK (AP) — A suspected bias attack on four Jewish subway riders has resulted in a friendship between the Jewish victims and the Muslim college student who came to their aid. Walter Adler is calling Hassan Askari a hero for intervening when Adler and three friends were assaulted on a subway train in lower […]
- Pogromnacht, not Kristallnacht
November 9th and 10th marks the anniversary of Pogromnacht, not Kristallnacht. On this anniversary we call on the International community to cease using the Nazi’s terminology for such a grave event. Kristallnacht – broken glass, is used to make little of what befell the Jews of Germany and Austria on these days. We must recognize […]
- Russia Turns Over Wallenberg Documents
MOSCOW (AP) – The main successor agency to the KGB on Wednesday gave a top Russian rabbi copies of archival documents on Raoul Wallenberg, the Swedish diplomat credited with saving thousands of Hungarian Jews from Nazi death camps. Nikolai Patrushev, director of the Federal Security Service, handed photographs and copies of formerly classified materials about […]
- A homage to Marcel Marceau
The death of the great mime Marcel Marceau marks a sad moment not only to the theatre and arts world but is also a great loss of a WW II hero. When the Nazis uprooted the Jewish residents of Alsace-Lorraine after marching into the region in 1939, Marceau and his family were given two hours […]
- A Swede’s challenge in Darfur
I commend the diplomatic effort of Swedish U.N. envoy to Darfur Jan Eliasson, who faces the difficult challenge of putting an end to the genocide and conflict in Darfur and bringing the warring parties together in a peace settlement. It is impressive to see that Eliasson is carrying on the tradition of Swedish diplomacy as […]
- Testimonies of Survival Documented in Borough Park, Brooklyn
The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation Interviews Survivors of the Holocaust that were saved by Raoul Wallenberg in Budapest, Hungary. New York City, NY – August 29, 2007 – A team of representatives and volunteers from The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation (IRWF) were at the Nachas Health and Family Network in the Borough Park section of […]
- Ester Mejer
It’s so important that people know about Wallenberg’s courage because persecution does not just happen to Jews. This is happening to other nations now too like in Darfur, Sudan, so we must continue the story of Wallenberg to spread the inspiration and courage to do something about it. Q: What is your name? A: My […]
- WWII Romanian soldier joins righteous among nations
Yad Vashem yesterday posthumously honored a Romanian reserve officer who blocked the deportation of Romanian Jews to Nazi death camps during World War II. Theodor Criveanu joined the Righteous Among the Nations group of non-Jews who rescued Jews from the Nazis. His son, Willie Criveanu, accepted the award on his behalf. Six million European Jews […]
- More heroes needed
I am writing in response to the article about the conflict in Darfur (August 1). Still, no one has found a solution. We need individuals with real courage to take action. During the Holocaust era, another time when innocent people were being killed and tortured, there were a few individuals who acted courageously because they […]
- Acknowledging Bergson
As a founder of the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation, I was very encouraged and challenged by Dr. Rafael Medoff’s two-part front-page essay ”The Bergson Group vs. the Holocaust – and Jewish Leaders vs. Bergson” (June 8 and 15). Dr. Medoff not only helped readers to understand the ”big picture” of Holocaust activism, but also underscored […]
- Eichmann’s diary reveals Catholic Church’s assistance to Jews
After guarding Adolf Eichmann’s diaries for almost 40 years, the Israeli Government made them public early in March. Eichmann, a Nazi SS lieutenant colonel, was executed in 1962 in Israel for ”crimes against the Jewish people and against humanity.” Eichmann wrote these diaries during the months following the passing of his death sentence. They are […]
- Raoul Wallenberg Schools turns 25
New York Public School 194 celebrated the 25th anniversary of its naming as The Raoul Wallenberg School with a hour long chorus performance on May 16th, 2007. Hundreds of students, parents, alumni and educators were present at the moving ceremony. Ms. Lynch, principal of the Raoul Wallenberg School, opened the assembly by narrating the story […]
- El Salvador to seek recognition for diplomat who helped save Jews from Holocaust
The Salvadoran government said Monday it will seek a posthumous medal for diplomat Jose Arturo Castellanos, who gave citizenship certificates to as many as 40,000 Jews during the Holocaust. The ”Righteous Among the Nations” recognition is awarded by Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Martyrs’ and Heroes’ Remembrance Authority in Israel, to non-Jews who helped Jews escape […]
- Belgium sorry for Holocaust involvement
Belgian Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt faced frail men in dark fedoras and children in bright skullcaps Tuesday and apologized for Belgian authorities’ involvement in the deportation of Jews to Nazi extermination camps during World War II. ”Only by recognizing the responsibility of the authorities at the time, can we build a future where this will […]
- Israel marks Holocaust Remembrance Day with siren, memorial services
Marking Holocaust Remembrance Day, Israel fell silent as a two-minute siren wailed across the country Monday morning followed by memorials at the Knesset and the Yad Vashem Holocaust Martyrs’ and Heroes’ Remembrance Authority. Names of Holocaust victims were read aloud at ”Every Person Has a Name” memorials held at both locations. The central theme for […]
- Tribute to Raoul Wallenberg
Nachas Health and Family Services reached out to the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation to organize a tribute in honor of Raoul Wallenberg, the Swedish diplomat missing since January 1945 after saving the lives of tens of thousands of Jews and other persecuted by the Nazism during World War II. Among their database of over six […]
- Workshop for teachers brings Wallenberg’s values to the classroom
The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation organized a workshop and presentation of its educational program ”One Person Can Make A Difference: Basic Values of a Democracy” for New York Region 3 Social Studies teachers on March 16th 2007 at Junior High School 185. The selected group of attendees participated in a training session designed to explore […]
- Carnegie Hall Recalls Rescue of Bulgarian Jews
A grandiose concert at Carnegie Hall, New York, recognized those who displayed extraordinary courage to save Jews from genocide during World War II and the role of Bulgaria, in particular. ”The rescue of the Bulgarian Jews is one of the most outstanding exploits of the Bulgarian people during the years of the World War II,” […]
- Department of public information to support International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation’s ‘Partners Of Hope’ concert at Carnegie Hall
Honouring Bravery and Humanitarianism: Stories of Rescue during Holocaust The Department of Public Information’s Holocaust and the United Nations outreach programme is collaborating with the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation on the ”Partners of Hope” concert at Carnegie Hall on 5 February at 8 p.m. This concert will recognize those who displayed extraordinary courage to save […]
- Tribute was paid to Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg
on the 62nd anniversary of his disappearance Rabbi Bergman highlighted his example. Raoul Wallenberg -the Swedish diplomat who saved tens of thousands from the Nazis in Hungary and was taken 62 years ago by soviet troops- was remembered yesterday in a ceremony at his statue in Buenos Aires. Rabbi Sergio Bergman encouraged to follow ”his […]
- Wallenberg disappearance marked
The 62nd anniversary of the disappearance of Raoul Wallenberg was marked in Buenos Aires and other cities. Some 100 people – including Holocaust survivors, foreign dignitaries, local politicians, Jewish community leaders and members of the local Islamic Center – gathered Wednesday near a sculpture of Wallenberg in the Argentine capital to honor the Swedish diplomat […]
- Gerald Ford – July 14, 1913 – December 26, 2006
Decent and dependable Republican who helped to steady the United States after the shocks of Watergate and Vietnam Gerald Ford was unique in the history of the United States as being the only man to occupy both the vice-presidency and the presidency without being elected to either office. Nevertheless, he played an indispensable role in […]
- Revisiting The Horrors Of The Holocaust
Millions Of Nazi Documents Are Being Made Available To The Public For the first time, secrets of the Nazi Holocaust that have been hidden away for more than 60 years are finally being made available to the public. We’re not talking about a missing filing cabinet – we’re talking about thousands of filing cabinets, holding […]
- Pope John XXIII lobbied to save Jews
An Israeli scholar has discovered evidence that a Vatican emissary and future Pope tried to challenge the Catholic Church’s perceived indifference to the Nazi mass murder of Europe’s Jews during World War II. Searching the little-known papers of an Israeli emissary who worked to save Jews during the war, Dina Porat, a professor of Jewish […]
- Argentine priest who helped found Wallenberg Foundation dies
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (CNS) — Father Horacio Moreno, an Argentine priest who championed interfaith dialogue and helped found the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation, died of natural causes in Buenos Aires Nov. 16. He was 88. Father Moreno, who previously suffered from a lung problem, was buried Nov. 17. ”He leaves a legacy of education, of […]
- Wallenberg Foundation president dies
The Argentine priest who headed the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation died at age 88. Father Horacio Fidel Moreno’s death was announced last Friday in a release that said he pioneered interreligious dialogue in Argentina in the 1970s. The foundation commemorates the life of Wallenberg, a Swedish diplomat who saved tens of thousands of Hungarian Jews. […]
- Father Horacio Moreno dies, precursor in promoting the interconfessional dialogue
BUENOS AIRES, Thursday, 16th.of November 2006 (ZENIT.org.).- This Thursday, in the city of Buenos Aires, Father Horacio Fidel Moreno, died at the age of 88 . He was a precursor in promoting the interconfessional dialogue in Latin America. He was born in the city of Quilmes on the 29th of May, 1918. Amongst many other […]
- Rome’s Rabbi Joins Wallenberg Foundation
ROME, NOV. 6, 2006 (Zenit.org).- The Chief Rabbi of Rome has accepted the invitation to become an honorary member of the Raoul Wallenberg Foundation, joining the ranks of heads of state and Nobel Prize laureates. Riccardo Di Segni’s move came amid the context of a visit of a delegation of the Wallenberg Foundation to the […]
- Putin’s chance
Tom Parfitt (Bureaucracy forces foreign aid groups to stop work in Russia, October 19) calls attention to the troubling status of human rights in Russia, in the wake of Anna Politkovskaya’s murder. As President Putin comes under EU pressure on civil liberties, he is presented with a suitable opportunity to honour human dignity and courage. […]
- Wallenberg´s Day
Sir, The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation is an educational NGO created in Argentine. Few months ago we proposed the Buenos Aires’ government to mark the city’s calendar with a day dedicated to the memory of the Swedish diplomat, missing since 1945 after having saved the lives of tens of thousands of people condemned to death […]
- Wallenberg Foundation Greets Benedict XVI
Meets Religious Leaders in Rome VATICAN CITY, SEPT. 29, 2006 (Zenit.org).- A delegation of the Raoul Wallenberg Foundation, led by founder Baruj Tenembaum, greeted Benedict XVI in Rome. The foundation, dedicated to remembering those who risked their lives to save those persecuted during the Second World War, met with the Pope after Wednesday’s general audience […]
- Wallenberg Foundation receives accolade in Buenos Aires
On September 23rd, 2006, the ”Biblioteca Popular Madre Teresa” (Mother Teresa Popular Library) presented the IRWF the ”National Award Mother Teresa”, for its efforts aiming at ”building up bonds of friendship, justice and memory among peoples, in the search of the truth and the importance of dignity of human being, as well as for developing […]
- Wallenberg Award 2006 to editor in chief/manager of Zenit
ROME, Friday September 22nd 2006 (ZENIT.org).- The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation will bestow the Raoul Wallenberg Award 2006 to Jesús Colina, editor of the International Catholic News Agency Zenit, ”in recognition of the excellence of their informative work aimed to benefit and help interdenominational dialogue and reconciliation”, as explained by the motivation. The award will […]
- ZENIT Director Wins Wallenberg Prize
ROME, SEPT. 22, 2006 (Zenit.org).- Jesús Colina, the director of ZENIT, will be awarded the 2006 Raoul Wallenberg Prize ”in recognition of excellence in news reporting at the service of interconfessional dialogue and reconciliation.” That is how the citation from the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation reads. The prize will be awarded Sept. 28 at the […]
- President of Croatia received Wallenberg Award
New York, September 2006. In a ceremony attended by high dignitaries, the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation (IRWF) presented Mr. Stjepan Mesic, President of Croatia, with the Raoul Wallenberg Award 2006 for his concern for the fate of Raoul Wallenberg and other saviors of the Holocaust. The event was held at the Permanent Mission of the […]
- Hungarian Martyr to Be Beatified
1st Beatification in Hungary in 900 Years BUDAPEST, Hungary, SEPT. 17, 2006 (Zenit.org).- , Sister Sara Salkahazi a nun shot to death for sheltering Jews in Hungary during World War II, will be beatified in Budapest. The beatification, the first to take place in Hungary in 900 years, will be presided over by Cardinal Peter […]
- The Führer’s Photographer
Walter Frentz He was the Führer’s most favored photographer and cameraman. Walter Frentz was the man Adolf Hitler trusted to put him in the right light. Now a new biography has uncovered pictures of the Nazi leader never seen before. On his 34th birthday Walter Frentz was accorded a special honor. Adolf Hitler’s preferred photographer […]
- The story of the bootblack who once escaped Nazism and now returns to his country
Alike all Jews, his German citizenship was taken away by a law Bernardo Jerochim fought 68 years to gain back his nationality. In the end he achieved his goal and traveled to Berlin. Upon his return, he will continue to polish shoes. Streetcars, balconies, fears. Memories of a short childhood travel fast through Bernardo’s Jerochim […]
- Wallenberg Foundation to Be Honored
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina, AUG. 20, 2006 (Zenit.org).- Argentina’s Mother Teresa Popular Library will honor the Raoul Wallenberg International Foundation with a community service award. According to the executive commission in charge of awarding the Mother Teresa of Calcutta prize, the foundation has ”developed a cultural educational movement in favor of life, solidarity and dialogue between […]
- Petition to Moscow seeking the opening of the files connected to the Wallenberg case
A ceremony will take place today on the 94th anniversary of the Swedish diplomat’s birth. Wallenberg helped over 100 thousand Jews to escape the nazis. The soviet army captured him and from then on no one knew anything else about him. A ceremony in commemoration of Raoul Wallenberg will take place this afternoon in the […]
- Foundation is pleased
It was a great pleasure to read the article ”Five area students receive top history honors” published on Joplin Independent on June 18th, and learning that an essay on Raoul Wallenberg took the tenth place in the seniors paper category at National History Day. On behalf of the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation (IRWF), I wish […]
- Letters to the editor: Wallenberg
To the Editor: Recently, the media reported on the annual speech that the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, delivered before both Houses of the Legislature at the Marble Room in the Kremlin. It is at least bizarre that the Russian Chief of State, who openly criticizes other nation’s human rights policies, made no reference to a […]
- Former Nazi removed from space hall of fame
ALAMOGORDO, New Mexico (AP) — A former Nazi scientist who was linked to experiments on prisoners in the Dachau concentration camp in Germany has been ousted from the International Space Hall of Fame. Hubertus Strughold, who had been honored in 1978 for work in developing the spacesuit and space capsule and for his contributions to […]
- New Rabbi Levinson´s book presented in Berlin
Berlin, May 7th. The book ”Resistance and Obstinacy”, written by Prof. Dr. Nathan Peter Levinson in Tertianum-residence, was presented in Berlin. The presentation included a panel discussion by three theologians: Dr. Andreas Nachama (Jewish), Monsignor Toepel, Knight of the Holy Grave ad Jerusalem (Catholic) and Pastor Johannes Hildebrandt (Protestant). The panel was moderated by Pastor […]
- The opening of German archives may shed light on the destiny of Argentines citizens exterminated during the Holocaust.
On April 18th, 2006 Germany has agreed to open the Nazi archives on 17 millions of Jews and forced workers, who were persecuted and ill-treated by the Nazis and their collaborators during the Holocaust. Ms Brigitte Zypries, Justice Minister, pointed out that Germany will work together with USA to ensure the opening of the archives, […]
- Frustration
Sixty one years ago Raoul Wallenberg, a Swedish diplomat, risked his life saving thousands of persons condemned to death by Adolf Hitler’s plan. On January 17th 1945 was taken prisoner by the Soviet Army and since then his whereabouts are a mystery. According to the Wallenberg Foundation, an Argentine NGO, ”the Soviet line stuck always […]
- Letter from Jorge Vanossi, Argentine Congressman
National House of Representatives Buenos Aires, April 6th 2006 The President of the Russian Confederation Mr. Vladimir Putin Recent history includes chapters full of aberrations which have not yet been reported in their entire truth. There is no doubt that all those that ” disappeared”, no matter what their ideology might have been, are an […]
- Claim to Vladimir Putin
The Wallenberg Foundation tries to meet Russian Prime Minister Mijail Fradkov who will visit Argentina tomorrow. The Foundation asks President Vladimir Putin to unveil the final destiny of former diplomat Raoul Wallenberg, who dissapeared in Russia in 1947.
- Lutz honoured for Holocaust rescues
A memorial plaque to honour Swiss diplomat Carl Lutz who rescued more than 60,000 Jews during the Second World War has been unveiled in Budapest. The third monument to Lutz in the Hungarian capital, the plaque is mounted on the Glass House, which the diplomat helped set up to handle Jews emigrating to Palestine. Lutz, […]
- Letter from Pastor Annemarie Werner to Bernardo Jerochim
Mr.Bernardo Jerochim Via The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation Argentina _______________________________________ Berlin, March 10th, 2006 Dear Mr. Jerochim, first of all I convey to you my deepest condolence for the death of your brother. I am so ashamed that the bureaucracy of our country prohibited you to meet him still alive. I think that there is […]
- Looking for Wallenberg
Claim to Moscow Argentine Baruch Tenembaum, head of the Wallenberg Foundation, will shortly start a worldwide tour, with a defiant stopover. He will seek an interview with Russian president, Vladimir Putin, whom he will ask for the solution of the case of Raoul Wallenberg, the Swedish diplomat that disappeared by the Soviet army in 1945, […]
- Exhibition ”Ein Visum furs Leben”
In Berlin the Wallenberg Foundation distinguished three outstanding leaders On 26 January 2006 took place the opening of the exhibition ”Ein Visum furs Leben” (Visas for Life), of the Israel Foreign Ministry at the Vaterunser Kirche in Berlin. The hosts were Pastor Annemarie Werner, leader of the congregation, and Baruch Tenembaum, founder of the International […]
- Raoul Wallenberg remembered
A ceremony was held in Argentina for the 61st anniversary of Raoul Wallenberg’s disappearance. Tuesday’s ceremony, organized by the Raoul Wallenberg Foundation in the plaza that bears Wallenberg’s name in Buenos Aires, honored the Swedish diplomat who saved thousands of Hungarian Jews during World War II. The principal speaker was Toti Flores, a leader of […]
- The world remembered Wallenberg on the 61st. anniversary of his disappearance
The 61st. anniversary of the disappearance of the ”Hero without a Grave”, was remembered in Buenos Aires, with the attendance of approximately one hundred people, summoned by the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation. Next to the Wallenberg statue by english artist Philip Jackson and before the founder of the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation, Baruch Tenembaum, Toti […]
- John Bierman – Reporter, writer and BBC correspondent who filmed the Bloody Sunday killings in Londonderry
John Bierman – January 26, 1929 – January 4, 2006 JOHN BIERMAN was the award-winning BBC TV reporter who covered the Bloody Sunday shootings in Londonderry and the writer whose bestselling book Righteous Gentile introduced the English-speaking world to the wartime heroism of the vanished Swedish diplomat, Raoul Wallenberg, saviour of thousands of Hungarian Jews. […]
- January 2006 events
On the anniversary of Raoul Wallenberg’s disappearance, The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation is organizing a series of events and has contacted other factors which, as a consequence decided to commemorate the legacy of the Swedish diplomat around the world in January. Events January 17, 2006 Hungary Inauguration of the commemorative plaque at the train station […]
- Volunteers Distinguished
The ”Wallenberg at School” educational program marked its fourth year since it was instated. To close the year’s intense cycle of activities, the team of volunteers working for the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation met on December 28th at the premises of the institution to make a toast. Silvia Stisman and Rodrigo Rendo, coordinators of the […]
- Swede sings of Raoul
Breaking News A Swedish balladeer wants to sing about the life of Raoul Wallenberg to New York students. The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation asked schools this week to host Ben Olander for his hour-long show, which incorporates songs, pictures and storytelling. Olander, described by the foundation as ”one of Sweden’s foremost balladeers,” will be in […]
- World War II era deception exposed
Sword of the Turul, by Catherine Eva Schandl, is a book based on an incredible true story, now told for the first time. What did a ”group” led by British intelligence, a church in a cave, and a missing Swedish diplomat all have in common in World War II Hungary – and why did most […]
- General Assembly designates International Holocaust Remembrance Day
1 November 2005 – In a resolution co-sponsored by 104 Member States, the General Assembly today designated 27 January as Holocaust Remembrance Day, drawing immediate praise from Secretary-General Kofi Annan, who said the United Nations would do its part to keep the memory alive in a bid to prevent future acts of genocide. ”The Holocaust […]
- On Jewish-Catholic Ties and the Role of John XXIII
Founder of Wallenberg Foundation Gives His Perspective NEW YORK, OCT. 26, 2005 (Zenit.org).- A Jewish leader considers the Second Vatican Council’s declaration ”Nostra Aetate” of 40 years ago a landmark that completely redefined relations between Catholics and Jews. Baruch Tenembaum, president and founder of the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation, recalled the importance, in this connection, […]
- Advocate for Jewish-Christian Relations receives award
The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation honored Sister Rose’s tireless work towards promoting Christian-Jewish relations during an event at the Museum of The Jewish Heritage, following a screening and discussion panel of the film ”Sister Rose’s Passion.” Abigail Tenembaum, Vice President of the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation, presented the Luiz Martins de Souza Dantas Award to […]
- Homage
El Palacio Homage. For the first time in history, an Argentinean Province dedicates a day to the memory of Raoul Wallenberg, the Swedish diplomat savior of tens of thousands of pursued during the Holocaust. In Corrientes, Governor Ricardo Colombi establishes, by a decree, among other concepts, that the 5th. of October of each year will […]
- Educational Program Balance
Wallenberg at school In the midst of 2002 political, economic and social crisis, the ”Raoul Wallenberg at School” Educational Program began to be developed. The Raoul Wallenberg International Foundation’s initiative focuses on a youth-oriented program that seeks to build a learning space from where students can learn about and spread fundamental values towards the consolidation […]
- Artist looks for inspiration in brazilian savior
Renowned Brazilian resident artist Susi Cantarino will create an artwork inspired by the Brazilian diplomat Luiz Martins de Souza Dantas, who saved 800 people from Nazi persecutions during WWII. Mrs. Cantarino volunteered to create this piece, following the Wallenberg Foundation’s appeal to artists suggesting that they express the spirit of the Brazilian hero through their […]
- Bulgarian church receives recognition for saving Jews during WWII
Members of the Bulgarian Church were recognized for their role in stopping the deportations of the Bulgarian Jews to the death camps. The Metropolitan Bishops Stephan and Kiril receive an award in a ceremony following the NY Premiere of the film The Optimists: The Story of the Rescue of the Bulgarian Jews from the Holocaust. […]
- Tenembaum is already an illustrious provincial citizen in Argentina
The governor Jorge Obeid declared him an illustrious citizen of the province of Santa Fe. Baruch Tenembaum, the creator of the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation, received personnally, in a ceremony that took place yesterday in the local head office of the Government (Santa Fe 1959), the decree of this distinction. Obeid himself presided the homage […]
- Santa Fe paid homage to Baruch Tenembaum
On September 29th 2005, during an event that took place at the White Reception Room of the Government headquarters of Santa Fe, in the city of Rosario, Governor Jorge Obeid handed out the title of Distinguished Citizen of that province to Baruch Tenembaum, founder of the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation. Tenembaum was born in the […]
- Ceremony Honoring Mexican Diplomat Gilberto Bosques
On September 27, in a ceremony organized by the Consulate General of Mexico and the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation, Diplomats, leaders of the Jewish Community, members of the press and other distinguished guests gathered to honor the memory of Mexican diplomat Gilberto Bosques. Gilberto Bosques was stationed in Marseille during World War II and during […]
- Campaign to clarify Wallenberg’s fate
Nation at a Glance. Argentina in brief The Raoul Wallenberg International Foundation, an NGO founded in Argentina, has launched a worldwide campaign aimed at clarifying the fate of Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg, who saved some 100,000 people from the Nazi holocaust by granting them Swedish passports. He disappeared in 1945 after being arrested by the […]
- Raoul Wallenberg’s destiny
Last week two parallel events took place. The Russian submarine, trapped in the depths of the ocean, was rescued and its crew freed from near death following a world-wide attempt to fight for the freedom and lives of the Russians trapped. The same days, Raoul Wallenberg marked yet another birthday. He too is trapped. Trapped […]
- Birthday party for missing hero for sixty years
A birthday celebration to commemorate the 93rd anniversary of Raoul Wallenberg was organized by the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation at the Playground named after the Swedish diplomat, located at Amsterdam Avenue and 189th Street in New York. Neighborhood kids learned about the hero after whom the playground was named in a family oriented event that […]
- Moving ceremony organized by the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation
Commemorative Moment On 4 August a ceremony took place at the Raoul Wallenberg monument in Buenos Aires to pay homage to the diplomat that saved thousands persecuted by Nazism. The ceremony brought together Natalio Wengrower, Rafael Eldad, Guillermo Nielsen and Father Horacio Moreno.
- Portuguese diplomat who saved thousands in the Holocaust remembered in New York
The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation presented a celebration on the 120th anniversary of Aristides de Sousa Mendes birth On occasion of the 120th anniversary of Portuguese savoir Aristides de Sousa Mendes’ birth, The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation hold an event to commemorate the diplomat’s heroic deeds. Mrs. Sheila Fleischhacker Abranches, Sousa Mendes’ granddaughter, represented the […]
- Federal Minister Fischer appoints a commission of historians to examine the role of the Foreign Service during the National Socialist era
Federal Minister Joschka Fischer has appointed an independent commission of historians with a remit to examine the role of the Foreign Service during the National Socialist era, how its members perceived and portrayed this role after the reestablishment of the Foreign Office in 1951 and how much continuity or otherwise existed with the pre-1945 Foreign […]
- N.J. Town Names Street After Holocaust Rescuer Varian Fry
A large crowd of local residents and dignitaries was on hand as the town of Ridgewood, New Jersey named a street after its most famous native son, Holocaust rescuer Varian Fry, on June 26, 2005. The featured speaker was William S. Bingham, son of Hiram Bingham IV, the U.S. diplomat who secretly worked with Fry […]
- Foundation Recalls John XXIII’s Assistance to Jews
42 Years After His Death NEW YORK, JUNE 24, 2005 (Zenit.org).- Blessed John XXIII will pass into history as the one who gave impetus to Catholic-Jewish dialogue, said the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation. In a statement to commemorate the 42nd anniversary of the death of Angelo Roncalli, Pope John XXIII, the foundation said that it […]
- Argentina eliminates two unfortunate remains of its past
On Wednesday June 8th, 2005, a ceremony headed by national president Néstor Kirchner in the Salón Sur of Government House, the decree withdrawing a secret, strictly confidential document that was deeply discriminatory and had been hidden for sixty six years. It was about secret law number 11, one of the very most secret under the […]
- A vicious circular
Editorial Many people date Argentina’s problems with the rest of the world back to the debt default of late 2001, and with much reason, but in order to really come to grips with the question of where Argentina went wrong, it is necessary to go back deep into the previous century. The 1930 coup, when […]
- Yesterday the Government abolished a harmful and racist order
Argentine President abolished a 1938 order by which Jews, persecuted by the Nazi Regime, were banned from entering the country. President Néstor Kirchner abolished a 1938 confidential document which limited the entering of Jews and people persecuted by the Nazis into Argentina, yesterday. He did so together with Foreign Minister, Rafael Bielsa, and Interior Minister, […]
- Controversial secret law discriminatory of jews repealed
It was already not in use. It denied entry to this country of citizens of that origin. Even though he kept silent during the entire ceremony, President Néstor Kirchner yesterday decided to be present at the ceremony in which Minister of Foreign Affairs Rafael Bielsa repealed a controversial secret circular issued by his Ministry. Currently […]
- Bielsa to scratch anti-Semitic norm
Nation at a Glance Foreign Minister Rafael Bielsa will sign the order to end a seven-decade old secret internal ministerial norm which tacitly restricted Jewish immigration. The ceremony will be held at the Foreign Ministry with Interior Minister Aníbal Fernández, Natalio Wengrower, vice-president of the Raoul Wallenberg Foundation, investigative journalist Uki Goñi (a former Herald […]
- Blessed Elisabetta Hesselblad declared ”Righteous” by Israel
VATICAN CITY, JUNE 7, 2005 (Zenit.org).- The proclamation of Blessed Maria Elisabetta Hesselblad as ”Righteous Among the Nations” is a source of hope for Benedict XVI. The Pope expressed this in a telegram sent in his name by Cardinal Angelo Sodano, Vatican secretary of state, on the occasion of the granting of this award by […]
- Letter of Ambassador of Israel in Argentina, Rafael Eldad
Buenos Aires, 24 May 2005 Father Horacio Fidel Moreno President Raoul Wallenberg Foundation. Av. Corrientes 1145, 11th floor Buenos Aires __________________________ Dear Father Moreno, I am pleased to address you, and through you, all the members of your Institution, to express my appreciation for the praiseworthy task that you undertook that resulted in the removal […]
- Controversial plaque removed from Argentina’s Foreign Office
NAZISM CONDEMNATION The Foreign office decided to remove a controversial plaque from its premises. The plaque paid tribute to 12 Argentine diplomats for their actions ”for the Jews” during the Second World War. One of these diplomats is accused by community organizations to have done exactly the opposite. Decree 999 signed by Foreign Minister Rafael […]
- Michael Vertes’s speech
Carl Lutz’s 30th Anniversary of Death Commemoration Park East Synagogue May 11, 2005 My name is Michael Vertes. In 1944 in Budapest I was 8 years old and known as Miklos Weisz. I did not personally meet Carl Lutz but I was a beneficiary of his rescue effort and I am forever grateful to him. […]
- Ambassador Loretan’s Speech
Carl Lutz’s 30th Anniversary of Death Commemoration Park East Synagogue May 11, 2005 Ladies and Gentlemen, Carl Lutz was the first Swiss national elevated to the rank of Righteous among the Nations by Yad Vashem. So, we are privileged to honour him on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of his death. Let me first […]
- Swiss diplomat who saved thousands during the Holocaust remembered in New York
Swisspeaks ’05, The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation and Park East Synagogue commemorated yesterday the 30th anniversary of Carl Lutz’s death. New York May 12, 2005,. The life and deeds of Swiss Righteous Carl Lutz, a diplomat saved 62,000 Jews in Budapest in 1944 were celebrated at Park East Synagogue, with over 200 diplomats, survivors and […]
- An immoral order sent thousands of Jews to their deaths
In 1938 the Argentine Foreign Ministry prohibited Nazi victims from obtaining refuge in this country. There is a moral obligation to repeal this order The Wallenberg Foundation has started a massive campaign to gain support for the Argentine Foreign Ministry to overturn secret ”Directive 11” issued in 1938, which prohibited granting refuge to Jews who […]
- On nazis and bronze plaques
The Argentine media have reported that President Néstor Kirchner and his wife were moved to tears during a recent visit to Dachau concentration camp in Germany. ”In 1933, the world remained silent,” said the President in reference to Hitler’s rise to power and to the atrocities committed by the Nazis. We are sorry to say […]
- Secret Moscow archives kept from the public
In the grand Soviet tradition of withholding as much as possible from the public, the truth about horrific crimes against humanity committed in the last century as still locked away DPA , MOSCOW Massacres, executions, mysterious suicides, alleged medical experiments on captives, deportations and disappearances — the list of past horrors to emerge from the […]
- Moved abroad, indifferent at home
The Argentine media have reported that President Néstor Kirchner and his wife Cristina Fernández de Kirchner were moved to tears during a recent visit to Dachau concentration camp in Germany. ”In 1933, the world remained silent,” said the Argentine president in reference to Hitler’s rise to power and to the atrocities commited by the Nazis. […]
- Homage to Sousa Mendes and Souza Dantas
Aristides de Sousa Mendes, the Portuguese diplomat who saved the lives of about 30,000 Jews and others during the Nazi Holocaust, and Luiz Martins de Souza Dantas, the Brazilian diplomat who issued hundreds of visas in France while risking his own career, were honored at the Museum of the Jewish Heritage – A Living Memorial […]
- The Pope of Fraternity
During the course of his long papacy, John Paul II turned out to be the worthy heir to pontiff John XXIII, as the driving force of revolutionary changes within the Church in its relation with the Jews. Many are the different initiatives of Peter’s successor that allowed him to establish the conditions for the construction […]
- Harmony
Dear Editor, ”During the course of his long papacy, John Paul II turned out to be the worthy heir to another well remembered pontiff, John XXIII, as the driving force of revolutionary changes within the Church in its relation with the Jews.” ”Many are the different initiatives of Peter’s successor that allowed him to establish […]
- Wallenberg Foundation
The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to keeping the example of Raoul Wallenberg alive all over the world, with the aim of promoting peace among nations, and remembering those who risked their lives to save persecuted people during W.W. II. It is named after the Swedish diplomat credited with saving the […]
- Marcel Marceau receives accolade from the Wallenberg Foundation
On 5 April 2005, in Buenos Aires, the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation (IRWF) distinguished world’s greatest mime Marcel Marceau in recognition of his solidarity and courage during the Second World War. Marceau received a commemorative plaque from IRWF Vicepresident Natalio Wengrower for having saved Jewish children persecuted by the Nazis. The Nazis uprooted the Jewish […]
- José Ignacio García Hamilton in New York
The conference ”Bolívar, San Martin, the Improductivity and the Authoritarism of Latin America”, dictated by Dr. José Ignacio García Hamilton, Vice-President of the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation, was carried out last April 27 2005 at the King Juan Carlos I of Spain Center in New York, before a distinguished group of academics and students. During […]
- Interreligious ceremony in Las Palmeras
A transcendent ceremony took place on Friday, February 18th, at the Catholic church of Las Palmeras. During the meeting the Diocesan Bishop Carlos M. Franzini delivered to the parish priest of Tacural, Jorge Buchitari (who is in charge of the Las Palmeras temple), the present that Baruch Tenembaum gave to him on the centennial of […]
- Prize to Rabbi for Interfaith activities
On February 25th the Jewish Community of Berlin and the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation co-organized a ceremony in the course of which a prize was awarded to Rabbi Dr. Nathan Peter Levinson for his extensive and tireless action towards the fostering of interfaith dialogue. The prize was given by the founder of the IRWF, Mr. […]
- Wallenberg
Our Worldwide campaign of ”100,000 names for 100,000 lives” has reached the first 10,000 signatures. After six decades of the disappearance of Raoul Wallenberg, the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation launched a worldwide campaign to collect 100,000 signatures, as many as the lives saved by the ”Hero without a grave”. The signatures will be presented to […]
- Obituary in brief: Max Schmeling
Max Schmeling, boxing champion and reluctant Nazi symbol, died on February 2nd, aged 99 MEMORY is unkind to many, but to Max Schmeling more than most. The athletic skills of Germany’s only ever world heavyweight boxing champion were matched by his lifelong generosity. But outside Germany, he is remembered mainly as a symbol of Nazism […]
- Worldwide campaign ”100.000 names for 100.000 lives” reaches 10,000 signatures
After six decades of the disappearance of Raoul Wallenberg, the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation launched a worldwide campaign to collect 100,000 signatures, as many as the lives saved by the ”Hero without a grave”. The signatures will be presented to the United Nations to urge the solution of one of the most controversial and unresolved […]
- Swedish diplomat who saved thousands from Nazis honoured
Vienna, February 2nd, 2005 (ACPress.net) Raoul Wallenberg, a Protestant diplomat from Sweden who saved tens of thousands of Jews and other persecuted people from the Nazis in Hungary during the Second World War, has been honoured 60 years after his disappearance in Budapest. Wallenberg, an unselfish benefactor, was kidnapped by the invading Soviets on January […]
- Raoul Wallenberg was remembered all over the world on the 60th anniversary of his disappearance
On January 17th 2005, after six decades of having been arrested and gone missing by the Soviet Army, several acts, organized and sponsored by the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation, were celebrated all over the world, to remember the Swedish Diplomat, savior of thousands of lives during the Holocaust. U.S.A. Israel Argentina Hungary Uruguay China Canada […]
- For Pioneer in Jewish-Catholic Dialogue, a Day to Remember
Says Founder of Raoul Wallenberg International ROME, JAN. 18, 2005 (Zenit.org).- For Baruch Tenembaum, founder of the Raoul Wallenberg International Foundation, and one of the pioneers of the dialogue between Jews and Catholics, this was a historic day. For the first time, a Pope, John Paul II, received in private audience a group of some […]
- A fallen hero without a grave
TODAY MARKS the birthday of a great American, Martin Luther King Jr. This day coincides with the commemoration of another great American citizen, Raoul Wallenberg. Wallenberg is the Swedish diplomat who was sent to Nazi-occupied Hungary by the United States, where he saved 100,000 people while risking his own life. On this day 60 years […]
- A Mural that Makes History
The Cathedral of Buenos Aires became in 1997 -through the initiative of the Raoul Wallenberg Foundation and the then Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Cardinal Antonio Quarracino-the first Catholic temple in the world to have a Mural that commemorates the victims of the Holocaust and those who were murdered in the attacks to the Embassy of […]
- Forgotten ‘Brazilian Schindler’ Gets Homage in US
On the 50th anniversary of the death of the ‘Brazilian Schindler,’ Luiz Martins de Souza Dantas, will be honored by the Consulate General of Brazil and The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation (IRWF) on December 6th. Moved by what he later called ”a Christian feeling of mercy,” Souza Dantas granted diplomatic visas for hundreds of Jews, […]
- Brazilian Savior honored by the Wallenberg Foundation in New York
Human rights week kicks off with 50th Anniversary Commemoration of Luiz Martins de Souza Dantas, honored at the Consulate General of Brazil by The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation on December 6th 2004. Moved by what he later called ”a Christian feeling of mercy”, Souza Dantas granted diplomatic visas for hundreds of Jews and other persecuted […]
- The Wallenberg Foundation with the Russian Ambassador
After 60 years of the Swedish Diplomat’s disappearance his destiny remains unknown The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation (IRWF) met Yuri Korchagin, the Ambassador of the Russian Federation in Argentina, on December 3rd. , 2004. The Foundation was represented by its vice-presidents: Engineer Oscar Vicente and Dr. José Ignacio García Hamilton. During the interview with the […]
- Wallenberg Foundation receives accolade
At a ceremony carried out on 25 November 2004 at the Olivos Yacht Club in Buenos Aires, the Argentine Association of Private Education (AAPE) distinguished the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation with the ”2004 Excellence” award due to the services brought to the community through its educational programme”Wallenberg at school”. Jean Pierre Bendahan and Rodrigo Rendo, […]
- New Information Service on Judeo-Christian Dialogue Announced
Promoted by the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation ROME, NOV. 7, 2004 (Zenit.org).- The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation announced the creation of a news service on Judeo-Christian dialogue. The news bulletin will be produced in collaboration with ZENIT news agency and will be published initially in Spanish and English. The foundation is an independent, educational NGO […]
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