October 10, 2005

Artist looks for inspiration in brazilian savior

Renowned Brazilian resident artist Susi Cantarino will create an artwork inspired by the Brazilian diplomat Luiz Martins de Souza Dantas, who saved 800 people from Nazi persecutions during WWII. Mrs. Cantarino volunteered to create this piece, following the Wallenberg Foundation’s appeal to artists suggesting that they express the spirit of the Brazilian hero through their art. Brazilian artist Susi Cantarino is already working on a piece.

This is one of the many initiatives of The International Souza Dantas Institute – created on the frame of the Wallenberg Foundation- and dedicated to celebrating the life and honoring the deeds of Brazilian diplomat Luiz Martins de Souza Dantas by developing cultural and educational activities in order to spread and keep his example around the world. Other initiatives included the presentation of the book ”Quixote nas Trevas”, written by historian Fabio Koifman, in NY and the issuance of a postal stamp by the Israeli Postal office.