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- Survivors and brave opponents to Nazi horror
New anniversary of the disappearance of Raoul Wallenberg Regarding the touching column of Mr. Francisco Wichter, Holocaust survivor, saved by Oskar Schindler (January 6. “I was part of the Schindler list and I fulfilled my mother’s legacy: survive.”), we allowed ourselves to write these brief lines a few days before a new anniversary which has […]
- “Our mission is to preserve and spread the courageous legacy of Raoul Wallenberg”
Dear Mr. President, We respectfully address you on behalf of the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation (IRWF), in light of the recent publication of General Ivan Serov’s diaries, may we respectfully ask you to consider the possibility of allowing free and unfettered access to the KGB archives in order to try and locate the remains of […]
- A homage to Marcel Marceau
The death of the great mime Marcel Marceau marks a sad moment not only to the theatre and arts world but is also a great loss of a WW II hero. When the Nazis uprooted the Jewish residents of Alsace-Lorraine after marching into the region in 1939, Marceau and his family were given two hours […]
- The story of the bootblack who once escaped Nazism and now returns to his country
Alike all Jews, his German citizenship was taken away by a law Bernardo Jerochim fought 68 years to gain back his nationality. In the end he achieved his goal and traveled to Berlin. Upon his return, he will continue to polish shoes. Streetcars, balconies, fears. Memories of a short childhood travel fast through Bernardo’s Jerochim […]
- Petition to Moscow seeking the opening of the files connected to the Wallenberg case
A ceremony will take place today on the 94th anniversary of the Swedish diplomat’s birth. Wallenberg helped over 100 thousand Jews to escape the nazis. The soviet army captured him and from then on no one knew anything else about him. A ceremony in commemoration of Raoul Wallenberg will take place this afternoon in the […]
- Claim to Vladimir Putin
The Wallenberg Foundation tries to meet Russian Prime Minister Mijail Fradkov who will visit Argentina tomorrow. The Foundation asks President Vladimir Putin to unveil the final destiny of former diplomat Raoul Wallenberg, who dissapeared in Russia in 1947.
- Looking for Wallenberg
Claim to Moscow Argentine Baruch Tenembaum, head of the Wallenberg Foundation, will shortly start a worldwide tour, with a defiant stopover. He will seek an interview with Russian president, Vladimir Putin, whom he will ask for the solution of the case of Raoul Wallenberg, the Swedish diplomat that disappeared by the Soviet army in 1945, […]
- Controversial secret law discriminatory of jews repealed
It was already not in use. It denied entry to this country of citizens of that origin. Even though he kept silent during the entire ceremony, President Néstor Kirchner yesterday decided to be present at the ceremony in which Minister of Foreign Affairs Rafael Bielsa repealed a controversial secret circular issued by his Ministry. Currently […]
- Controversial plaque removed from Argentina’s Foreign Office
NAZISM CONDEMNATION The Foreign office decided to remove a controversial plaque from its premises. The plaque paid tribute to 12 Argentine diplomats for their actions ”for the Jews” during the Second World War. One of these diplomats is accused by community organizations to have done exactly the opposite. Decree 999 signed by Foreign Minister Rafael […]
- On nazis and bronze plaques
The Argentine media have reported that President Néstor Kirchner and his wife were moved to tears during a recent visit to Dachau concentration camp in Germany. ”In 1933, the world remained silent,” said the President in reference to Hitler’s rise to power and to the atrocities committed by the Nazis. We are sorry to say […]
- The Pope of Fraternity
During the course of his long papacy, John Paul II turned out to be the worthy heir to pontiff John XXIII, as the driving force of revolutionary changes within the Church in its relation with the Jews. Many are the different initiatives of Peter’s successor that allowed him to establish the conditions for the construction […]
- A Mural that Makes History
The Cathedral of Buenos Aires became in 1997 -through the initiative of the Raoul Wallenberg Foundation and the then Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Cardinal Antonio Quarracino-the first Catholic temple in the world to have a Mural that commemorates the victims of the Holocaust and those who were murdered in the attacks to the Embassy of […]
- The US Congress will give an award to an Argentinian
The Argentinian Baruch Tenembaum will be rendered tribute by the US congress next October 16 for his work and particularly for having devoted himself ”to create a framework of understanding between Jews and Catholics in the whole world”, said Congressman (D) Tom Lantos, who proposed this tribute. During his long trayectory, Tenenbaum launched the installation […]
- Statue damaged
The monument in Buenos Aires that pays tribute to Raoul Wallenberg, the Swedish diplomat that saved one hundred thousand persons from Nazi extermination, was defaced with red paint. The statue, the work of British sculptor Philip Jackson inaugurated in 1998 on the corner of Figueroa Alcorta Ave and Austria street, was intentionally vandalized. The International […]
- The shoeshine is a German citizen again.
He lived 65 years without citizenship for being a Jewish ”I am happy and moved because a dream comes true” said Bernardo Jerochim dressed in an impeccable blue suit and wearing a tie that was a gift from one of his clients to whom, everyday and for the last 50 years, he shines his shoes […]
- Homages at the UN and in Argentina
The 90th anniversary of Raoul Wallenberg’s birthday will be remembered at many places around the world. Today in New York, the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation will present a commemorative medal to the UN Secretary General, Kofi Annan, and his wife Nane, niece of the Swedish diplomat. A mass in his memory will be celebrated today […]
- Courage and respect are values that never die
Once I heard a well-known diplomat utter the following phrase: ”If we had had half a Wallenberg in Argentina during the years of the military dictatorship, there would not have been disappeared people”. The metaphor is controversial, but does not it express the truth? The most moderate calculations estimate that Wallenberg saved between 40 to […]
- A triangle entering the water
During the Second World War, 15,670 non-Jewish people sacrificed their lives to save those of Hebrews persecuted by Nazis: they were the righteous gentiles, who will have their own monument-homage in the Buenos Aires coast. The architects Claudio Veckstein and Nora Vitorgan Maltz, on request by the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation, created a monumental triangle: […]
- Other humanitarian heroes
Steven Spielberg’s film made famous Oskar Schindler’s story, the German businessman who saved 1,200 Jews from the gas chambers by contracting them in his enameled-goods factory in Crakow. Nevertheless, most people ignore the names of many other non-jewish people who, during the Second World War, risked their lives for refugees of all beliefs. In the […]
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