Uki Goñi

Journalist. Writer.

He was born in Washington D.C. in 1953, of Argentine parents.

He grew up and was raised in the United States, Argentina, Mexico and Ireland.

He interrupted his studies in the Trinity College of Dublin to settle in Buenos
Aires in 1975.

His latest book, ”The Real Odessa”, is an investigation about the escape of Nazi criminals to Argentina after the Second World War. It was published by Granta Books in London and New York in 2002.

In Spain and Argentina it was published by Paidós Publishing house under the title ”La auténtica Odessa”.

A translation into the Italian will be published by Garzanti Libri de Roma,
in September 2003. A translation into Portuguese will be published in Brazil.

Goñi is the author of two other books: ”Peron and the Germans”, an
investigation about the links between Argentina and Nazism during the Second World; and ”The Infiltrated,” about the kidnapping of the founders of Madres de Plaza de Mayo by the Navy Lieutenant Alfredo Astiz. Both works were published by Sudamericana in 1998 and 1996, respectively.

Subject of exposition

”The investigation of Nazism in Argentina as a model for other historical subjects.”