Humanitarian actions of Monsignor Angelo Roncalli

Humanitarian actions of Monsignor Angelo Roncalli, later known as Pope John XXIII, in favour of Jews persecuted by the Nazi regime.

The historical works and the documentary sources used in this research clearly refer to determined and broad humanitarian measures of Apostolic Delegate Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli in favor of Jewish refugees persecuted by the Nazi regime, in different countries of the occupied Europe.

Monsignor Roncalli made written requests, exerted personal influence and mobilized ecclesiastical dignitaries, leaders and officials from different nations to achieve the rescue and salvation of Jewish lives threatened by Nazism.

Likewise, Monsignor Roncalli played an active role in the collaboration with the delegation of the Jewish Agency of Palestine in Istanbul, in the undercover delivery of immigration certificates to Palestine for Jewish refugees in Europe.

A special recognition deserves Monsignor Roncalli’s decision of sending priests from different countries carrying ”temporary baptismal certificates”, religious documents that allowed thousands of Jews to save their lives.

This research work clearly proves that Monsignor Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli acted in his humanitarian actions by his own initiative, in an uninterested and altruist way.

Three reports have been published compiling different studies and materials about the humanitarian actions carried out by Monsignor Roncalli. The full reports and attached analysis can be read on our website .


  • Delivery of ”immigration certificates” to Palestine through the Nunciature diplomatic courier.
  • Rescue of Jews by means of certificates of ”baptism of convenience” sent by Monsignor Roncalli to priests in Europe.
  • – Intervention before King Boris of Bulgaria in favor of Bulgarian Jews.
  • – Intervention in favor of Jewish refugees from Transnistria.
  • – Intervention in favor of Italian Jewish refugees on request of Isaac Herzog, Great Rabbi of Palestine.
  • – Intervention in favor of Jewish refugees from Rumania, Slovakia and Croatia.
  • – Intervention in favor of Jewish refugees from Greece.
  • – Intervention in favor of Jewish refugees from France, Germany and Hungary.
  • – Monsignor Roncalli’s personal disposition to help Jewish refugees taken to Istanbul or in transit to Palestine.


  • Newspaper article (1972) anouncing the opening of a special hall in Casa Argentina (Argentine House in Jerusalem) named after John XXIII.
  • – ”Actes et documents du Saint-Siège relatifs a la Seconde Guerre Mondiale”, 11 volumes edited by the Holy See containing documents of the Vatican issues, notes and telegrams exchanged between the Vatican’s State Secretary and the Nunciatures of the different relevant countries during the Second World War
  • ”Salvage in the Holocaust”, Haim Barlas
  • ”While six millions died”, Arthur Morse
  • ”John XXIII, Pope of the Council”, Peter Hebblethwaite
  • ”An exchange of blessings Pope John XXIII and the Jews”, Peter Hebblethwaite
  • ”The secret alliance: the extraordinary story of the rescue of the Jews since World War II”, Ted Szulc
  • ”L’utopia di Papa Giovanni”, Giancarlo Zizola
  • ”Roncalli, diplomatico in Grecia e Turchia”, Stefano Trinchese
  • ”The politics of Genocide the Holocaust in Hungary”, Randolph Braham
  • ”How Pope John helped rescue European Jews” (article), Meir Tuval-Weltman
  • ”Istanbul intrigues”, Barry Rubin
  • ”Cautions to the winds”, Ira Hirschmannn
  • ”Turkey and the Holocaust”, Stanford Shaw
  • ”The politics of Genocide The Holocaust in Hungary”, Randolph Braham
  • ”Pope John XXIII”, Christian Feldman
  • ”Men in dark times”, Hana Arendt
  • Jewish Encyclopedia (article)
  • Catholic Family Review (article)
  • ”Vatican diplomacy and the Jews during the Holocaust 1939-1943”, John F. Morley