Name: ”rue Raoul Wallenberg”
Location: City of Liège
Declared by: Michel Foret, Governor of Liège following a suggestion of the IRWF.
Date: September 25, 2015
Comment of Gov. Foret: “It will contribute to recall the memory of the Swedish diplomat and to raise awareness among people that the peace we are now enjoying is fragile and must be cultivated through the democratic values.”
Name: ”Hommage á Raoul Wallenberg Exposition”.
An exhibition was held at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris on May 1999. The IRWF awarded Federico Mayor, General Director of UNESCO.
Address: Maison de l’Unesco
7, Place de Fontenoy
City: Paris 7- France
Name: ”Homage to Raoul Wallenberg”.
Sculptress: Norma D’Ippólito (Argentine).
Locations in France:
* the headquartes of the UNESCO, in Paris. Unveiled on May 1999. Presented by the IRWF to Federico Mayor, General Director of UNESCO.
Web Site: See the sculpture
University Work
Name: ”The Memory of Raoul Wallenberg”.
Author: Yan Ollivier
Text in French about all the manifestations of the memory of Raoul Wallenberg around the world since 1945, January, the 17th : 158 pages, 39 illustrations (black and white), 22 page bibliography, interviews of Ferenc Orosz and Maria Ember (see Hungary)
E-mail : cv.ollivier@wanadoo.fr
22, rue Arago
F-78500 Sartrouville
tel. : (0044)