Following a proposal made by the Raoul Wallenberg Foundation the City of Liege named a street after the “Hero without a Grave.”
In a letter addressed to the Chairman and to the Founder of the IRWF Mayor Willy Demeyer announced the naming of a street situated in “the immediate neighbourhood of the Bastion des Fusilés, at the Chartreuse.”
By giving the name of Raoul Wallenberg to a public space the people of Liege make justice to one of the greatest personalities of modern history and to the scores of Belgian Rescuers, almost 2000 people, that risked their lives stretching a hand to those facing persecution and death.
The existence of such a public landmark is an important educational tool, as it is a way of paying tribute to all the brave people that make a difference, not only in past events but also in current affairs.
Throughout the years the Raoul Wallenberg Foundation have initiated worldwide awareness campaigns, organized educational programs, art and literary events, researched and documented rescuers and their life saving actions, as well as awarded distinctions to the rescuers and their families.