February 1, 2013

Dinner event honoring Raoul Wallenberg at the Cardinal Club in Raleigh, NC

The Swedish Consulate in Raleigh organized an event on November 10, 2012 at the Cardinal Club in downtown Raleigh, North Carolina. We were 70 dinner guests from the area’s Jewish and Swedish communities and enjoyed a very memorable evening highlighted by speakers that captured the audience with experiences from Budapest at the time when Raoul Wallenberg in such a heroic way saved so many lives. We were also fortunate to view an exhibition by the Word of Faith Christian School Holocaust Museum. The students captured the life of Raoul Wallenberg in a wonderful way.

Honorary Consul of the Carolinas Mr Magnus Natt och Dag welcomed the quests and captured some of the historical milestones in the life of Raoul Wallenberg. He thanked the sponsors and introduced the special guests.

Mr Edward O Woolner survived the incomprehensible events in Budapest and survived due to the actions taken by Raoul Wallenberg. Mr Peter Aranyi represented his mother, who also survived and shared her story with us. These presentations touched our hearts deeply and made us proud to honor someone who despite the dangers did everything humanly possible to protect as many lives as he could. Sweden houses will forever be in our memories.

As a result of the event, a significant contribution was made to the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation.