
The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation.
The foundation has dedicated its work to honor Raoul Wallenberg, one of the greatest heroes of our times
Founder: Baruch Tenembaum
Web site:
Raoul Wallenberg Park
Name: Raoul Wallenberg Park
Location: Sderot Yerushalaim 96,
Ramat Itzack, Ramat Gan
See the Park.
raoul wallenberg FOREST
Name: Plaque-Forest in Naharya
Keren Kayemet LeIsrael. This forest was planted to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Hungary Judaism Shoah, in which 600,000 people died, among the 6 million ”kdoshim”/saints who where exterminated in the Shoah.
Bnei Brith Lishkat RW / Nahariya – 1994
See the plaque.
Raoul Wallenberg Bust
Name: Bust of Raoul Wallenberg
At the opening ceremony of The Jad Bamidbar Holocaust Study and Memorial Center of Eilat, the Mayor of Eilat presented a bust of Raoul Wallenberg, which had been in the Mayor´s chamber for some years and now is placed in the Center´s library.
Location: POB 382 Eilat 88103
Contact: Jacky Pri-Gal
Raoul Wallenberg Medal
Name: The Raoul Wallenberg Medal
Issued by the Israeli Governmental Society of Medals and Coins.
See the medal
Raoul Wallenberg Medal of the danish RWC
Name: The Raoul Wallenberg Medal of the Danish Raoul Wallenberg Center
Awardee: Jerusalem Post newspaper
The Jerusalem Post has been nominated by the Danish Raoul Wallenberg Center to receive the Raoul Wallenberg Medal. The Post is the first of the Israeli media to be singled out for the award.
Name: Wallenberg Monument.
Location: intersection of Raoul Wallenberg and Habarzel streets in Tel Aviv.
Member of the Knesset Tommy Lapid, Keren Tel Aviv and the Municipality of Tel Aviv organized the ceremony. The statue was erected upon a initiative of Tzfon Hair newspaper.
See the statue
Name: The Raoul Wallenberg Stamp
The Raoul Wallenberg stamp was issued by the Israel’s Postal Service in 1983.
See the stamp.
Name: Raoul Wallenberg Tree
Raoul’s tree was planted in the Yad Vashem Memorial in Israel in 1953.
Web sites:
Raoul Wallenberg Association of Beer Sheva
Chairperson: Jean Kloos Fishman
The RWA was founded in 1984. It has produced the exhibition ”A Tribute to Raoul Wallenberg”. It portraits the background to Wallenberg´s mission, his heroic rescue work, events leading to his arrest and the aftermath. The exhibition has been shown throughout Israel. Since 1990 has displayed a poster in Israel seeking information on Raoul Wallenberg. It has participated in the creation of Raoul Wallenberg public garden.
Telephone: 07-6497517
Location: Beer-Sheva
PO Box 4258
Beer-Sheva 84140
Righteous Among the Nations
The Righteous Among the Nations honor was awarded to Raoul Wallenberg in 1966 by Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum.
Web site:
Name: Raoul Wallenberg Scholarship
Weizmann Institute for Science
The Raoul Wallenberg Scholarship is dedicated to doctoral studies.
Bar Ilan University
The Raoul Wallenberg Chair for Human Rights, Faculty of Law.
The Raoul Wallenberg Chair in Chemical Immunology.
Location: At the site of the former Holland Bank in Haifa.
Commemorative plaque dedicated to Raoul Wallenberg, who worked there in 1936.
The initiative was taken by Mr. Max Grundberg and Susy Rose.
See the plaque.
Name: Raoul Wallenberg Street.
Location: between Hanechoshet St. and Habarzel St. in Ramat Hachayal, Israel.
Information map:

Name: Raoul Wallenberg Street.
Location: between Yafo Street and Haneviim Street, Jerusalem, Israel.
The Street was re-inaugurated on February 2005 on the occasion of the visit of Louise Von Dardel (niece of Raoul Wallenberg) to Israel, by Minister Sharansky and Mayor Uri Lupoliansky.
Name: Raoul Wallenberg Street.
Location: In Ramot Eshkol, Haifa, Israel. Begins in Freud Street and Vaibshall Street.
The sign says:
Raoul Wallenberg 1912-
Saved thousands of Jews from death during the Shoah in Hungary. Arrested by the Soviet Army in 1945 and since then, dissapeared.
The Building where Raoul Wallenberg lived while working in the Holland Bank in Haifa.
Name: Raoul Wallenberg Street.
Location: Begins in Reuben Barkat Street across of Golda Meir School in Holon, Israel.
Name Raoul Wallenberg Street
Location: Near to Achuza Street and Nili Street in Raanana, Israel.
Name: Pediatric Day Center Raoul Wallenberg.
Location: Hospital Shaarei Tzedek.
POB 3225 Jerusalem 91031
Phone:972-2-655 53 07 Fax: 972-2-655 57 50
Honorary Citizen
Raoul Wallenberg became an honorary citizen of Israel in 1986.
Web site:
Collection of paintings
Name: Raoul Wallenberg.
Yehuda Vardi painted 28 shocking oil paintings on large canvas until his early death in 1990. These amazing artworks were last exhibited in 1991.
Artist: late Yehuda Vardi (Israeli)
Web site: Yehuda Vardi
Name: Raoul Wallenberg Honorary Citizen Committee.
The committee designed and exhibited the poster named ”Missing in Action” in order to continue with the search of Wallenberg.
Chairman: Max Grunberg.
POB 38
Raanana 43100 – Israel
Phone: 972-9-7421710
Fax: 972-9-7749495
Name: Raoul Wallenberg Simposium
On 2001 the Tel Aviv University held the Second Raoul Wallenberg Symposium on Contemporary Islamic Anti-Semitism and its Historical and Juridical Perspectives.
Tel Aviv University.
P.O. Box 39040
Tel Aviv 69978 – Israel
Web site:
Name: Raoul Wallenberg Lodge Nahariya
The Raoul Wallenberg lodge counts with among 20 members, all of them survivors of the Holocaust. They dedicate to culture and charity (helping soldiers, etc).
Mail Address: POB 521 Nahariya
Location: Shoskin 5 Nahariya – Israel.