City of Liège
Author: Mayor Willy Demeyer
Following a proposal made by the Raoul Wallenberg Foundation the City of Liege named a street after the “Hero without a Grave”. In a letter addressed to the Chairman and to the Founder of the IRWF Mayor Willy Demeyer announced the naming of a street situated in “the immediate neighbourhood of the Bastion des Fusilés, at the Chartreuse.
Author: Jan Theuninck.
Written under the name of ”ORC” (b.1954) in honour of Raoul Wallenberg. Theuninck is also a minimalist painter with strong interest in social and political evolutions.
Email: JAN.THEUNINCK@village.uunet.be
Website: http://www.moosburg.org/info/stalag/stalag10b.html
”Stalag Zehn B”
the feldwebel became a general
the campdoctor, a professor
and we the Jews – it’s banal-
we stayed Jewish – no error.
wandering Jew, damned Jew
and no words on them are forbidden
suspected of crimes and treason
they have been put in jail
they have been tortured and murdered
in the name of an insane idea
and now – more than ever –
who is next, please ?