
Name: The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation
Executive Members:
Father Horacio Moreno
Rabbi Simón Moguilevsky
Marcos Aguinis
Nicholas Tozer
José Ignacio García Hamilton
Jack Fuchs
Laszlo Ladanyi
Raúl Otero
Julio Saguier
Miriam Kessler
The mission of this foundation, created on August 4th 1997, is to honor Raoul Wallenberg, one of the greatest heroes of our times.
1145 Corrientes Ave. Office: 105
Buenos Aires C1043AAL
Tel: 54-11-4-382-7872
Web site:
Name: Raoul Wallenberg Educational Center
Location: Juan B. Justo 4650
Barrio La Juanita, km 27.7 de la Ruta 3
Localidad de Gregorio de Laferrere
Partido de La Matanza, Provincia de Buenos Aires
Name: Raoul Wallenberg.
Sculptor: Philip Jackson (British)
The Argentine government unveiled a statue in honor of Raoul Wallenberg on November 17th, 1998. The statue is similar to the one erected in London in 1997.
Location: Corner of Figueroa Alcorta Avenue and Austria Street, Buenos Aires.
Web Site:
Postal Stamp
Name: Raoul Wallenberg.
Issued by the Argentine Postal Service on 21 November, 1998 after a proposal of the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation.
Web Site:
The Mayor of Buenos Aires City decreted the support of the City to the celebrations for Wallenberg´s birthday on August 4th, 1997.
Name: Raoul Wallenberg Award.
Awardees: Ambassador of Sweden Peter Landelius and Oscar Vicente (CEO Perez Companc Holding) Dec 2000.
Created by the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation with the goal of distinguishing those people who, by their excellent work and exceptional deeds, are worthy of the illustrious name this award carries.
Web Site: /?en/awards/wallenberg/
Name: ”Homage to Raoul Wallenberg”.
Sculptress: Norma D’Ippólito (Argentine).
Locations in Argentina:
- the German Embassy in Argentina. Unveiled on september 1999. Presented to Ambassador Hans Ulrich Spohn by the IRWF. Installed at the German Embassy in Buenos Aires as an historic testimony.
- the Swedish Embassy in Argentina. Unveiled on december 1999. The sculpture was presented to Ambassador Peter Landelius by the IRWF and installed at the Swedish Embassy in Buenos Aires.
- the offices of the Argentine daily newspaper La Nacion. Unveiled on January 2000 with a commemorative plaque remembering the heroic deeds of the Swedish diplomat. Presented by the IRWF to La Nación CEO Dr. Julio Saguier.
- the US Embassy in Argentina. Unveiled on march 2000. Presented by the IRWF to the Chargé d’ affairs of the US Embassy, Victor Manuel Rocha. The sculpture is permanently shown at the consular section of the American Embassy.
- the Embassy of Poland in Argentina. Unveiled on June 2001. Presented by the IRWF to the Polish Ambassador Eugeniusz Noworyta.
- the Portuguese Embassy in Argentina. Unveiled on July 2001. Presented by the IRWF to Ambassador Augusto Seabra.
Web Site: See the sculpture
Commemorative plaque
Name: Raoul Wallenberg Leaf in the Tree of Life monument
The Argentine Jewish Delegation of Tucumán, as recognition to the heroism of Wallenberg, inserted a commemorative plaque in the Tree of Life monument located at the entrance of the Shalom Synagogue of Tucumán.
Location: San Miguel de Tucumán-Tucumán Province
Contact: Dr. Simón Litvak
President of Sociedad Unión Israelita Tucumana -Kehila – (Tucuman Israeli Union Society)
Address: Las Piedras 980 – 4000 – San Miguel de Tucumán – Argentina