In commemoration of the centenary of the birth of Raoul Wallenberg, the IRWF, Casa Argentina and the Municipality of Bat Yam will hold a literary contest for junior and senior high-school students of the city of Bat Yam, one of the largest and most vibrant urban centers in Israel, with 130,000 inhabitants and eight secondary schools.
The high-school students will write essays about the legacy of Raoul Wallenberg, and its relevance today.
The contest will be organized by the educational branch of the Municipality of Bat Yam, which will set-up the rules of the competition and its own Jury.
It will take place during the lective year 2012-2013, which starts in September 2012.
Ms. Ester Peron, Deputy Mayor, in charge of the Education Portolio, will oversee the project on behalf of the Bat Yam Municipality.
The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation and Casa Argentina will grant monetary prizes to the schools of the winning authors and the selected works will be posted on their institutional websites.