Monument to the Saviors of Humanity


The names of more than 20,000 saviors will be included in this unprecedented piece of art. The placing of this Monument has been anticipated through an agreement with the Government of the City of Buenos Aires within the River Plate coast in a space of 2,500 square meters. The project and direction is in charge of the volunteer architects Nora Vitorgan Maltz and Claudio Veckstein.

The project is placed in a sector of the River Plate coast area, more precisely on the coast sector of the University City, in the north exit which forms one of the laterals of the mouth of the Stream Vega. That location has been recently ratified as the result of the ‘Contest of Ideas for the University City Area’ organized for the general ordering and the development of the Area, allowing it to function integrated to the Memory Park Complex, in an independent and protected way, in accordance with its character.

Placed in relation to the amplitude and immensity of the River horizon, it will be beneficial for the contemplative and reflexive spiritual function which encourages it, with the aim of being a proof of the original idea of the institution, through the spiritual amplitude, of promoting the dialogue, the Understanding and Peace among people and nations, and the meeting of the different beliefs.