(New York) The General Secretary of the United Nations, Kofi Annan congratulated the International Raoul Wallenberg Committee and its head, Baruch Tenembuam, for its efficiency and its uninterrupted work for peace among peoples and countries.
Tenembaum, an Argentine born in the Jewish colony called Las Palmeras, situated a hundred and eighty kilometers from Santa Fe City, was present at the meeting held in the United Nations offices in New York. Tenembaum reported to Kofi Annan about the past year’s work of the International Raoul Wallenberg Committee in Argentina.
In what was a unique gesture, Annan received the Argentine committee in his official office for the second time in sixth months. This meeting took place at the 38th floor of the Manhattan United Nations headquarters.

The meeting followed a similar one held in Buenos Aires last July where the Argentine directors of the organization were present. At that time, Annan spent more than forty minutes emphasizing the importance he confers to the first southern hemisphere organization dedicated to promote Wallenberg’s heroic deeds. The case of Wallenberg is one of the most controversial cases of the century that is still an impenetrable mystery almost ten years after the fall of the Soviet regime.
Once the meeting ended, Tenembaum said that ”after inaugurating the monuments dedicated to Wallenberg in Buenos Aires and New York, we will follow with tasks in Gaza, the Vatican City and another countries.” The committee also plans the creation of the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation, an institution dedicated to the praise and preservation of this ‘hero without grave.’
According to witnesses present at the meeting, Secretary Genral Annan showed enthusiasm for the acts of the Wallenberg Committee and praised the creation of a permanent non-governmental organization, the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation.