”Raoul Wallenberg 2000” Awards

On December 14, the Swedish Ambassador to Argentina, Peter Landelius and Oscar Vicente, Perez Companc Holding CEO, received the ”Raoul Wallenberg 2000” Award.
Papal Greeting

During the ceremony for the Raoul Wallenberg 2000 Awards, Papal Nuncio, Santos Abril y Castelló transmitted a blessing sent by Pope John Paul II from Rome.
Creation of the Web Site

We have developed an exclusive site on the Internet on Wallenberg where it is possible to obtain information, links to other Wallenberg Centers, bibliography, etc.
”Wallenberg” Sculpture at the German Embassy

The IRWF bronze sculpture titled, ”Homage to Wallenberg” was presented on September 28 and installed at the German Embassy in Buenos Aires as historic testimony.
Roncalli Project

The IRWF formally postulated that Angelo Giusseppe Roncalli be declared, ”Righteous Among the Nations” for his rescuing actions during the Holocaust. It was held on September 7 at the Mission of the Holy See to the UN. Present at this event was the Secretary of the Vatican State, Cardinal Angelo Sodano. ”Angelo Roncalli International Committee”, a commission was created in charge of gathering documentation on the rescuing role of Monsignor Roncalli during the Second World War in coordination with other Apostolic Nuncios of various nations.
Commemorative Wallenberg Postal Piece
At the proposal of the IRWF, the Postal Service of Uruguay issued the sixth postal piece dedicated to Raoul Wallenberg in the world, -after Hungary, Sweden, Israel, USA and Argentina- on September 4.
Diplomacy and the Holocaust

The educational program titled, ”Diplomacy and the Holocaust” was presented at the Argentine Foreign Office on August 25.
Latin American Tour

Jack Fuchs, Auschwitz survivor, visited Guatemala, El Salvador, Paraguay and Panama in order to speak about the Holocaust
Righteous Diplomats

IRWF delegates at the Palace of the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland. Visas for Life Exhibit
Internet Publications

First book: ”Prophetic Poetry”. Author: Uri Tzvi Grinberg. Spanish version. 100 pages.‘Poesía Profética’.
IRWF sculpture presented to Latvia

At an early morning meeting held May 15th at the headquarters of the United Nations in New York, the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation presented the President of the Republic of Latvia, H.E. ”Vaira Vike Freiberga with the ”Homage to Raoul Wallenberg” sculpture.
Raoul Wallenberg files

The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation has asked the Russian government and the Vatican to release all files concerning ”Missing Persons”- among them Raoul Wallenberg’s. The Foundation will exhaust all resources to arrive at the information regarding Raoul Wallenberg’s whereabouts. The Foundation is working closely with Raoul Wallenberg’s family and its actions are supported by U.N. Secretary General, Kofi Annan, whose wife is Raoul Wallenberg’s niece, and by politicians worldwide.
Monument to the ”Saviors of Humanity”

The creation of a monument titled, ”Saviors of Humanity” is planned by the IRWF. The monument will be built in the riverside of the Río de la Plata in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The project is under the direction of Nora Vitorgan Maltz and Claudio Veckstein, prominent urban architects and volunteers of the Foundation.

The International Raoul Wallenberg Committee goes through the motions of the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law and becomes ‘The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation’, whose purpose is defined as ”perpetuating the memory of Raoul Wallenberg and fostering the ideals and aspirations that characterize his life by the encouragement of educational excellence through financial assistance to students, institutions and other organizations and to encourage artistic and cultural activities through grants, bequests, or gifts.”
IRWF sculpture to the USA

The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation donated a sculpture dedicated to the outstanding actions of the Swedish diplomat, who used his power to salvage tens of thousands of innocent lives during World War II, to the United States Embassy in Argentina. The ceremony took place at the residence of the United States Ambassador in Buenos Aires.
Interview of the CNN with Baruch Tenembaum

CNN Correspondent and reporter Viviana Fernandez conducted an interview with Mr. Baruch Tenembaum, founder of the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation. The purpose of the interview was to provide the extensive viewing audience an idea of what the IRWF thought about the public apology made on March 12th by the Pope John Paul II.
Germany’s asks for forgiveness
Two days after the German President, Johannes Rau, delivered a speech in front of the Knesset in Jerusalem asking for forgiveness from the Jewish people for the crimes committed against them by the Nazi regime, the IRWF met with the German Ambassador in Argentina, Adolf Ritter Von Wagner, in order to express his recognition at his president’s momentous statement.
IRWF sculpture to La Nación Newspaper
In an event held at the headquarters of ”La Nacion”, a leading Argentine daily newspaper, the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation presented the President and Director of that newspaper, Dr. Julio Saguier, the sculpture titled, ”Homage to Raoul Wallenberg”. This gesture was accompanied by a plaque commemorating the heroic deeds of the Swedish diplomat between 1944-1945.